Soon the New Year, and everyone is dressed up at work – just in case. And now you find yourself on the so-called corporate party, where alcohol is a river, and colleagues sweep away the snack, leaving you no chance to take a sample. What to do? To be drunk enough to be noticeable is indecent. Not drinking at all is contrary to the main idea of the party, which is to bring you closer to your coworkers. Woman’s Day recommends following a few simple rules, and the fun will succeed, and at work tomorrow they will not be upset by your rumpled look.
Corporate Code of Conduct
The Golden Rules of Conduct at a Corporate Party is a collection of the most controversial recommendations in the world. On the one hand, we are taught that we should not be zealous with alcohol, on the other hand, they advise us not to abstain from alcohol. In addition, according to the HR representatives, leaving the party too early is unacceptable. This jeopardizes the implementation of recommendation number one.
The logical answer to the set of rules of conduct at a corporate event was
Rule 1. Take Alkoseltzer. This must be done before, not after the New Year’s corporate party! This is the whole secret. To prevent, so to speak, the unpleasant consequences of a party in a warm working company.
Rule 2. Have a snack! And it’s better not even to have a snack, but before the party starts, go somewhere to have a snack, and you can think about a diet tomorrow. The ideal option is khash, this is such a fat Armenian meat soup, or “hot jelly,” as it is called in Russia. If khash is not available, then the usual rich meat broth will do. If not, then swallow a piece of butter. It will also help to avoid a lot of trouble and save you from morning headaches. Remember: an empty stomach is a direct road to rapid intoxication and the worst hangover. The fact is that in the stomach, alcohol is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream, respectively, the more food there is, the later it will turn to alcohol, the more gradually it will enter the bloodstream.
Pause from time to time to replace alcoholic drinks with more harmless ones, like iced tea.
Rule 3. It’s all about the magic bubbles. Carbonated alcohol is fun, but it hits the head, and the next morning it gives in pain. Therefore – no more than a glass of dry champagne and no soda cocktails! The fact is that carbon dioxide, thanks to which the “fizzy” sizzles, accelerates absorption, which is dangerous when it comes to strong alcohol (for example, the seemingly harmless Cuba Libre cocktail). And there is also a way to quickly get rid of these bubbles: toss a piece of chocolate into the glass.
Rule 4. Sugar is white death. Especially when it comes to libations. Sugar and alcohol are absolutely incompatible, moreover, one exacerbates the effect of the second! So the girlish habit of snacking on champagne with chocolate guarantees that tomorrow you will be overtaken by a headache. Therefore, all sweet liquor-like drinks and sweet champagne are death on takeoff.
Rule 5. Take breaks. The parties are full of non-alcoholic drinks – for some reason, they are usually out of work, and they will come in handy for you. After the first three glasses of wine, or after two stronger drinks, grab something non-alcoholic (but please don’t drink sugary soda). Hot or cold tea, still water – and after five minutes you can continue drinking.
Stop eating chocolate! It will be bad in the morning …
Rule 6. For heavy artillery. If you prefer spirits, then ask the bar for orange slices and have a snack … with skins from them. Or just juice, but freshly squeezed. The fact is that phytoncides (essential oils) of skins begin to interact with alcohol and partially neutralize it.
Rule 7. Air, give air! If this does not contradict your corporate canons, then you can go outside in the middle of the party to breathe. You don’t smoke, do you? Well, pretend that you urgently needed, for example, to call. Go out and walk in the snow in front of the door of the venue where the celebration is taking place. It’s good that winter: a light frost speeds up blood circulation, stimulating the elimination of toxins derived from alcohol. Therefore, it is better to walk quickly near the door. When you return, you will feel much fresher, and the intoxication will not overtake you so quickly.
If you still have not managed to avoid a morning headache, American scientists will come to the rescue, who believe that a cup of coffee is the best cure for a hangover. But to refrain from repeating a dubious feat will help the British, who calculated,