
If you ask 100 people in positions of responsibility what is one of the most difficult parts of their job, most would agree “to deliver bad news or communicate difficult goals, changes or decisions.” From firing someone to having serious conversations about the results and the future of the company, as well as making public statements or even talking about the cases of contagion of coronavirusso topical at the moment… All these situations put the most experienced communicators to the test, as well as professionals from the public or private sector.
All experts agree that «handle these situations well it is a defining characteristic of truly inspiring people ”, who always keep in mind that we must communicate directly, honestly and sincerely, taking care of what we say, but always taking into account who we have in front of and the effects that, a priori, we can provoke with it.
Sandra Marín, mentor, coach and trainer specialized in the business world says that when someone is direct and empathetic when saying the most difficult things, the rest assume that that person will be brave in all kinds of situations: making difficult decisions; assume the responsibility; apologize for mistakes … “Giving bad news shows personal courage because it shows the ability to face complex situations, for the good of the company, the person or both.”
The psychologist Sandra Marín advises planning this communication in advance: «It must be communicated clearly and honestly, always telling the truth. We live in a society where we are hyper-connected and where the population can compare information and generate confusion. There must also be empathy and be prepared to answer the questions that will appear in the minds of our public “, and also adds that after direct and precise communication of the options, alternatives and solutions, in addition to the precautions or measures that must be taken Adopt, “you have to give a message of encouragement, unity and strength.”
In person or by mail?
The expert in the business world is clear: as long as possible, the ideal is to communicate in person. “Communicating in person or by phone allows us to better convey our message and make sure that what we say is well understood and understood.
How not to create scaremongering in the company
According to the communication expert Sandra Marín, «in the coronavirus managementAs in so many other communications, in the framework of our workplaces or even in our homes, how it communicates is paramount. Alarm has occurred because, among other factors, there is a lack of congruence between what is being communicated and how it is acting in the face of this crisis ».
In the coach’s opinion, «we cannot send the message of ‘it is a flu like another one that affects the most vulnerable’ and, on the other hand, suspend the Mobile World Congress, close airports, confine people to their homes and suddenly opt for mass teleworking. Sandra Marín points out that “people, faced with this lack of coherence, feel and understand that there is something that is being hidden from them, there is a lack of clarity in the information, and from there comes the panic. Therefore, there is a bad management of that communication ».
The expert believes that the conversation should begin “by explaining in a neutral and objective way the situation that exists or the new information, talking about the possible consequences that it may have (for the workers, the company …), then emotionally accompany workers to help them understand and internalize the information and faithfully explain to them everything that we are going to do and what we are going to commit to ».