Coronavirus and flu: what are the differences?

Coronavirus and flu: what are the differences?

The seasonal flu affects 2 to 8 million French people each year and causes 10 to 000 deaths, especially in fragile subjects. The new Covid-15 disease, for its part, has infected 000 people and caused 19 deaths, as of October 1, 282. Since the start of the epidemic linked to the coronavirus in France, the manifestations of the disease, stated by the health authorities, refer to those of the flu. Indeed, the clinical signs of these two pathologies are similar. So how do you differentiate their symptoms? How does the flu compare to the coronavirus? 

Coronavirus and seasonal flu, are the symptoms the same?

Clinical signs of influenza

Influenza is the virus responsible for seasonal flu. It is characterized by the sudden onset of a high fever (over 38 ° C). This is accompanied by quite intense headaches. Muscle aches or pains are frequently felt. Fatigue occurs quite suddenly. Headaches or coughs are common. Sometimes the nose is stuffy and the throat itchy. The respiratory discomfort with influenza is more related to these two symptoms than to lung damage. This is rather rare in the case of influenza. This disease necessarily presents very characteristic symptoms. Treatment is therefore symptomatic, which may include a specific antiviral (oseltamivir or zanamivir). The application of hygiene measures (disposable handkerchief, regular hand washing and frequent ventilation of its habitat) is recommended to avoid transmitting the virus to others. In addition, a national seasonal flu prevention and control plan is available to define strategies and help make decisions in the event of an epidemic. 

Recognize the symptoms of Covid-19

The symptoms of Covid-19 disease are very similar to those of the flu. Patients suffer from a dry cough, nasal congestion and a feeling of tiredness. It may look like a cold at first, with sneezing and discharge from the nose. Fever is common, as well as headaches. Many people also talk about muscle pain. However, the course of Covid-19 is more severe than the flu. The severe forms are respiratory distress with a feeling of tightness or shortness of breath, kidney failure and multiple organ failure, in rarer cases. According to the WHO, “80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe and require oxygen therapy, while 5% are critical and require respiratory assistance. The proportion of severe and critical cases would be higher than what is observed for influenza. ” 


How to differentiate between influenza and Covid-19?

The incubation period and contagiousness

The incubation period, i.e. the time between infection and the onset of symptoms, for influenza is approximately 3 days (2 to 6 days) while for Covid-19, it is on average 5 days. (1 to 14 days). This means that the flu is spreading faster than the new coronavirus. 

The modes of contamination of Covid-19 are the same as those of influenza: by air transmission, by the fine droplets excreted, by contact with patients or soiled surfaces, such as door handles. What differentiates the two is the reproduction rate. It corresponds to “number of secondary infections caused by an infected individual”. A person infected with the new coronavirus can infect 3 to 6 others, while a patient with the flu will transmit the virus to 1,3 on average. 

The serious consequences of Covid-19

The risks of developing a severe form of Covid-19 are higher than those of the flu. Pregnant women, children, individuals suffering from chronic diseases or immunosuppression and the elderly belong to the population most at risk of complications from influenza. For the new coronavirus, health authorities note for the moment that age and the underlying pathologies are factors that increase these risks. 

Mortality from Covid-19 also appears to be higher than for seasonal flu. It is 3 to 4% for the new coronavirus against less than 0,1% for the flu. 

It seems that patients with Covid-19 would present with recurrences, several weeks after recovery. Scientists do not yet know if these are leftover viral loads or if a second infection is possible. The influenza virus dissipates more quickly. The new coronavirus has caused a saturation of the emergency services, while this situation is rare in the case of the flu. It also infected healthcare workers and caused a few deaths among healthcare professionals. 

What to do if symptoms appear? 

If symptoms appear, a free number dedicated to information on the coronavirus is available at 0800 130 000. If in doubt, do not hesitate to compose it. A teleconsultation appointment with his doctor is to be considered. In the event of breathing difficulties, you must contact the emergency ambulance service. 

The PasseportSanté team is working to provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus. 

To find out more, find: 

  • Our disease sheet on the coronavirus 
  • Our daily updated news article relaying government recommendations
  • Our article on the evolution of the coronavirus in France
  • Our complete portal on Covid-19

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