For comparison, I write first an unprepared question, and then its constructive wording.
The unprepared question: «What’s for dinner?»
Prepared question: «Darling, what’s for dinner? We have chicken, you can bake it with vegetables or stew it. If you want, I’ll fry cutlets and make mashed potatoes. If you’re late, I’ll make some light vegetable salad. If you want something else — write, please.
Unprepared question: «How can I see how much money A. has in this stupid database?»
Prepared question: “I need to see how much money A has in his account. I tried to look through “Clients” — “Personal account”, there are not the amounts that I expected. Tell me, please, am I doing everything right or do I need to do something differently?
An unprepared question: “You are completely crazy, hang this on me, I don’t have time to do anything anyway!”
Prepared question:
“Dear Ivan Petrovich!
You entrusted me to work on a new project in our company. This work will take me about 2,5 hours daily. I understand the importance of the new project, however, there are some difficulties in its implementation. At the moment my working day looks like this:
9.00-9.25 — processing e-mail, answering letters
9.30–10.30 – meeting with the sales department
10.30-12.00 — checking reports, signing orders
12.00-13.00 — lunch
13.00 — 14.00 .. 14.00-15.10 … 15.15-16.00 … 16.00-16.30 … 16.30-18.00 (everything is scheduled).
So, my appeal is due to the fact that with maximum work efficiency, I will not physically be able to allocate enough time to perform new tasks with high quality. I suggest the following alternative solutions:
- Treat a new project as a lower priority, deal with it in your spare time from your main duties.
- Give the new project a high priority, add 2,5 paid hours to the working day to complete all project tasks. I would like to emphasize that I value my time, and I believe that overtime hours should be paid.
- Part of my duties (several points are listed) to transfer to Zinaida Pavlovna. These are current tasks with which she will perfectly cope. And I will be able to fully engage in a new project.
I am also ready to consider your proposals. Which option do you think would be more productive?
From a friend’s personal experience
Will you marry me? Perhaps the proposal is unexpected, but I guarantee that it is balanced and considered on my part. You and I did not have a romantic relationship, but there is mutual sympathy, openness and a set of personal qualities that will help us create a friendly and strong family. For my part, I promise to be a faithful and loving husband, adequately provide for the family, make pleasant surprises for you, live in such a way that you can be proud of me and be an example and a good father for our future children. In addition, I am a Syntonian, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I run in the mornings, I work a lot, I have living space and resources for the speedy expansion of the family. You agree?