We communicate with you, enter into different relationships and interactions. The more our interaction is constructive, the better we understand each other, the more successful our affairs are. Here are the rules and tips that will help us.
prepared question
A prepared question is a question in which the author has made it easy for the other person to answer it. If the person simply described the problem and asks, “What should I do?” is an unprepared question. The fog is complete: it is usually not clear what the author of the question wants, what he can do, what he tried, what the results of his attempts … The question is more prepared if the author of the question said that he already knows what he can do on this issue, what attempts he has already undertook and why the standard answers did not help, among which he had already heard such and such … In fact, the author in the question already gives answers that may suit him, and simply advises what is better to choose. See →
Constructive seeking help
If you have a problem and you ask for help (to your manager, friends or colleagues), then use the following algorithm that is convenient for both parties: What is the question — Reasons — Solutions — How are you ready to help — What is needed from another person. See →
Tell me what you agree with
When your interlocutor begins to go into an argument and objections, then to return the conversation to a constructive channel, you can use the “Tell me what you agree with” technique. To do this, you pause the conversation and ask your partner to tell you what they agree with from what you have already said. The main thing is to do it correctly and appropriately. See →