Construct strong muscular body with a comprehensive security program, Live to Fail

If you want to build muscle mass and to build perfect body, the Live to Fail program designed specifically for you. Set of workouts from a fitness portal Daily Burn will help you 3 months to achieve such forms, which you could only dream of.

Power program, Live to Fail from Ben Booker

Live to Fail (LTF) is a 90-day power complex, which has been developed over 15 years. The name of Live to Fail directly embodies the philosophy of life of the Creator of the program Ben Booker: you have to fail to grow. The coach argues as follows. We often live in captivity of fear, the fear to step out of the comfort zone. We are afraid to fail, and therefore make no attempt to overcome themselves. This rule formed the basis of this program.

Ben Booker argues that failure is the stimulus for growth, both in life and in training. You will learn to fail correctly and to be proud of! Failure is the main secret of how to get the most out of your training Live to Fail.

Most people think that to increase muscle mass you must lift heavy weight. However, Ben Booker believes that it is not. After 90 days of training for him and LTF he plans to completely change your body with a very modest set of tools: two pairs of dumbbells and the platform (box or bench). You will pass through a very special way of muscle growth and build a strong athletic body.

All workout, Beachbody in a convenient summary table

The history of creation Live to Fail

Workout with Ben Booker was based on my own experience. From childhood his life has been dedicated to the sport, but with the teenage years he began to abuse alcohol. It was a horrible continuous cycle of four months training and then three months of alcoholic oblivion. Everything changed after a car accident in which Ben got being drunk. The incident nearly cost him his life (a broken back in two places stayed with him forever), so he decided to immerse themselves in the sport to get rid of the dependence.

“When I started rehab, I started working out with weights to regain in shape. I used a hypertrophy program that focuses on particular muscle with a certain number of reps and minimal rest. This contributed to the breakdown of muscle tissue so that it would grow when you recover,” says Ben. He followed this program long enough, until his body began to change. People began to come to him with the words: “Hey, how you train, because it really works?“. Ben shared their own knowledge and experience and in that moment realized how much he loved to help others with fitness. The sport has brought him back to life and freed from addiction.

The philosophy of the LTF is to muscle failure (“muscle failure”). Exercises and techniques that Ben uses, is very simple, but the workout will be extremely hard. First you will have the stage of “failure”, and drop muscle mass. But as soon as your muscles recover, they will start to growand you will be able to see the first amazing results.

Description strength training from LTF

The LTF program is designed for 13 weeks (3 months) and includes 2 phases. Phase 1 (first six weeks) is a power phase, during which your muscles and body will get stronger. In phase 2 (from sixth to thirteenth week) will take you on supersets that will help you to burn body fat and shape a beautiful muscle profile.

You are going to do on the finished training calendar. The schedule involves daily classes with no output, but 1 time per week offers relaxing sessions for muscle recovery. The calendar is very simply structured, each day of the week corresponds to a certain exercise.

Just the at Live to Fail includes 17 different training sessions, lasting from 20 to 50 minutes:

  • Armforge Armforge 1 and 2: for hands
  • Shoulders and Shield 1 and Shield 2 and Shoulders: for shoulders
  • 1 Pillars of Strength and Pillars of Strength 2: for the feet
  • Chest and Back and Back and Chest: for chest and back
  • Lower Body Metcon 7; LB Metcon 14; 21 LB Metcon: for the lower body
  • Upper Body Metcon 7; UB Metcon 14; UB Metcon 14: for the upper body
  • Mobility Yoga: relaxing yoga with Cody’s story
  • Release Total Body: relaxation training from Lindsay Miller with a special roller.
  • Strength Test: test to check what weight dumbbells you need to practice

To perform Live to Fail you will need two pairs of dumbbells of different weights (light and heavy) and the platform (box or bench).

How to choose the weight of dumbbells? The complex included a special video Strength Testin which you need to perform one exercise (lifting dumbbells) with an average weight. If you can perform 15-20 reps with your chosen weight, then this will be your working weight for a light pair of dumbbells. Then the weight of a heavy pair of dumbbells is calculated by the formula: light weight + 10 pounds (10 pounds = 4.5 kg)

Overall, Ben Booker suggests about such weights dumbbells:

  • Women: 10 pounds and 20 pounds (4.5 kg and 9 kg)
  • Men: 15 pounds and 25 pounds (6.8 kg and 11.3 kg)

Box you need, for example, for the following exercises: normal and reverse push-UPS, pull dumbbells in the slope, lunges, exercises that are performed sitting. Ie, if you wish, it is quite easily replaced, improvised means or with the bench, chair, fitball depending on the particular video.

Well, are you ready to dive into strength training for building a really muscular toned body? Ben Booker you will pass perhaps the most effective complex power programs. If you are looking for classes for high-quality transformation of your body, then try Live to Fail.

Also read: Inferno by Anne Garcia – only for lovers of intense training!

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