
General description of the disease


Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process in the conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eye).

For the reasons and sources of occurrence of conjunctivitis is:

  • Viral – adenoviruses, herpes virus, measles provoke this type of conjunctivitis. It occurs quickly and is acute. Mucus is secreted from the eye in small quantities. First, the disease infects the first eye, then, after several days, it passes to the second (and the disease in the second eye is easier).
  • Bacterial – the causative agents are various cocci (gonococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci), bacilli (intestinal, diphtheria, Koch). It is characterized by a fear of light and tearing of the eyes. The mucous membrane has a red tint, severe swelling and punctate bruising.
  • Hemorrhagic, which is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhages on the eyeball and eyelid. Hemorrhages can be punctate and extensive. Pinpoint bruises resolve within a week, and extensive bruises will take about 2,5-3 weeks.
  • Gribkov – the formation of conjunctivitis is provoked by spores of fungi (mold, yeast, actinomycetes, microsporums). Sources of fungi are infected animals and people, land, plants, vegetables and fruits.
  • Allergic – can be formed for a variety of reasons, where allergens are present: drugs; cosmetics; household chemicals; at risk are workers in the textile, sawmill, chemical, flour, brick, electrical, film industry, and radiologists.

The causes of occurrence, also, include the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, helminthic invasion, inflammation of the sinuses.

General symptoms of conjunctivitis:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • the mucous membrane of the eye becomes reddish;
  • secreted as pus or mucus;
  • pain and soreness in the eyes;
  • hemorrhages in the form of small dots;
  • general fatigue, headache, slight fever;
  • burning and itching eyes;
  • sensation of a foreign (foreign) object in the eye, although there is nothing there.

Depending on the course, conjunctivitis is distinguished:

  1. 1 acute type – appears suddenly, the duration of the disease is about 3 weeks;
  2. 2 chronic type – has a gradual development and is characterized by a long course (more than 4 weeks).


In general, with conjunctivitis, a favorable picture of recovery is expected, but if no therapeutic measures are taken, then the virus from the mucous membrane can pass to the cornea – this can lead to a decrease in vision.


Useful foods for conjunctivitis

With this disease, proper and healthy nutrition will help improve the condition of the eyes, cleanse the conjunctiva and increase immunity. Vitamins of groups A and D, which are in: fatty fish, conger eel and cabbage, oysters, cod liver, vegetable oils, flax seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower and pumpkin seeds, dairy products (feta cheese, butter, cottage cheese, cream), chicken eggs, garlic, viburnum berries and wild garlic.

Traditional medicine for conjunctivitis:

  • Drink decoctions of eyebright, chamomile, fennel, nettle, sage three times a day. With the cooled infusion, you can wipe your eyes every 2 hours. Moreover, this must be done to the inner corner of the eye (that is, you need to start wiping from the outer corner).
  • Spray colloidal silver aerosol on closed eyes. You can find it at specialty health food stores.
  • Bee honey eye drops. Take a little honey and dilute it 2 times with plenty of warm (always boiled) water. Buried three times a day. During breaks, this product can also be used to wipe the eyes.
  • Take a medium potato, grate it with fine blades, add 1 protein, mix thoroughly. Take napkins and apply the mixture liberally to them, apply to the eyes for 25 minutes. This procedure should be performed while lying down.
  • Drink a mixture of freshly squeezed juices made from carrots, lettuce, celery, and parsley. Carrot juice should be 4 times more than other juices (and the rest of the types should be taken in equal parts). Take before meals (20-30 minutes), 100 milliliters. You can reduce the ingredients to carrot and parsley juice. Then the ratio should be 3 to 1. Take also.
  • Take 4 large leaves of laurel and finely chop, then pour 200 ml of hot water and leave to infuse for 30-35 minutes. This tincture should be used to rinse the eyes twice a day. Before going to bed, it is better to moisten a bandage in the tincture and apply to the eyes for 25 minutes.
  • It is necessary to make a compress from an infusion prepared from dry and crushed rose petals (a glass of boiling water is required for a tablespoon of petals). The broth should be infused for half an hour. The same amount of compress should be kept over the eyes.

In order to prevent the appearance of conjunctivitis, you need:

  1. 1 the required amount of vitamins in the body;
  2. 2 do not eat foods that are likely to be allergic or limit time spent in places where there are many allergens;
  3. 3 comply with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations;
  4. 4 do not rub or touch your eyes with unwashed, dirty hands;
  5. 5 treat all diseases on time so that they do not flow into chronic ones;
  6. 6 do not use other people’s things (especially for personal hygiene products);
  7. 7 wash vegetables and fruits abundantly and thoroughly before use.

Dangerous and harmful foods for conjunctivitis

  • too salty food (consumption of such food leads to dry eyes and can cause severe burning);
  • alcoholic beverages (excessive consumption of them leads to the non-assimilation of useful vitamins for the eyes from food, such as: riboflavin);
  • coffee (excessive consumption of coffee drinks leads to narrowing of the eye vessels and impaired blood supply to the eyes);
  • proteins (an excess of proteins leads to constipation, due to which toxins are formed in the body and eye pressure increases);
  • sweet (slags the body, which is why the required amount of vitamins is not supplied);
  • flour products in excess (they contain starch, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the eyeball and the condition of the retina);
  • products with the “E” code (croutons, chips, sauces, soda, curd snacks and so on).

All of these products worsen the condition of the eyes, due to which conjunctivitis can develop into a chronic course or go to the cornea of ​​the eye.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

Nutrition for other diseases:

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