A favorite since childhood delicacy that cannot be forgotten is shortcrust dough nuts with condensed milk. The taste of this high-calorie dessert is very rich, rich and at the same time delicate, so sometimes you really want to break your diet and cook it. Use this recipe to make nuts with a special shell baking dish.
Shortcrust pastry nuts with condensed milk
Sweet nuts: shortcrust pastry number 1
Ingredients: – 250 g of butter; – 2 chicken eggs; – 3 tbsp. flour; – 0,5 tsp soda quenched with vinegar; – 0,5 tsp salt; – 5 tbsp. Sahara.
Leave the butter at room temperature for 40 minutes, then stir it thoroughly with half the measured sugar until smooth. Crack the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites and mash them with the remaining sugar and salt. Combine the butter and egg mixture and stir. Whisk the whites, add the slaked soda and place in the buttery egg mass. Mix everything well again with a broom or a mixer, add the sifted flour and knead the dough for a few minutes until it becomes elastic.
Prepare a nut mold and brush over with vegetable oil. Roll the dough into a sausage, cut into pieces no larger than a walnut and roll them into a ball. Place the resulting koloboks in each cell of the mold, close it and place on the hotplate. Bake the shells for about 7 minutes on each side. Open the hazel box slightly from time to time to watch the color of the dough change. As soon as it is browned, remove the dishes from the stove. Gently transfer the finished halves of the nuts to a tray and leave to cool completely.
Sweet nuts: shortcrust pastry number 2
Ingredients: – 200 g of butter; – 4 eggs; – 150 g sour cream; – 2 tbsp flour; – 2 tsp Sahara; – a pinch of salt and soda.
Melt the butter and combine with sour cream and beaten eggs, sugar, salt and baking soda. Sift the flour and add it in small portions to the liquid mass, stirring it continuously with a spoon. The dough will turn out to be thin, but not too thin. Spread it over the dimples of the mold with a tablespoon, cover, press and bake until tender.
Sweet nuts: filling and filling
Ingredients: – 1 can of condensed milk; – 100 g of butter.
In order for the homemade filling of sweet nuts to be truly tasty, it is better to cook condensed milk yourself. It turns out to be richer, denser and “chocolatey”
Place the softened butter in a mixing bowl. Beat it, adding boiled condensed milk with a tablespoon. If desired, you can add 1-2 tbsp into the finished cream. cocoa powder, a spoonful of coffee liqueur or crumble walnut kernels. Fill the shells with them and glue them in pairs. Serve the nuts with hot tea or coffee.