Complementary approaches to canker sores

Complementary approaches to canker sores


Aloe gel, propolis



Body-mind approaches


Complementary approaches to canker sores: understand everything in 2 minutes

 Aloe (Aloe vera). Three studies involving 154 subjects in all suggest that applying aloe gel or one of its components (acemannan) can speed up healing of canker sores10,11. However, the methodological quality of these studies is rather low. Aloe gel has long been used to treat minor wounds, lesions and inflammation of the skin due to its emollient properties.

 Propolis. Propolis internally could reduce the recurrence of canker sores in people who have it repeatedly20. In addition, rare clinical trials indicate that propolis, when used topically, promotes the healing process of wounds and infections of the oral mucosa (gingivitis, periodontitis, abscesses, wounds, fungi)16-19 .

 Myrrhe (Commiphora molmol). Commission E and ESCOP recognize the efficacy of myrrh in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. In India, it is one of the traditional remedies (Ayurvedic medicine) aimed at relieving mouth ulcers and gingivitis.


– A few drops of myrrh tincture (1: 5, 90% ethanol) undiluted, applied to the affected parts with a cotton swab, 2 or 3 times a day.

– From 10 to 15 drops of tincture of myrrh (1: 5, 90% ethanol) diluted in about 30 ml of lukewarm water; to use as a gargle or as a mouthwash.

 Licorice (Glycyrrhixa glabra). Licorice has therapeutic and soothing properties that accelerate the healing of canker sores. In the scientific literature, there are a few studies that support this traditional use, but they were conducted with a small number of subjects and their methodological quality leaves much to be desired.12.


Dissolve tablets of deglycyrrhizinated-DGL liquorice extract in your mouth (containing 380 mg of DGL, 4: 1).


Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin, a substance that can cause symptoms of mineralocorticoid poisoning: headache, lethargy, high blood pressure, water and sodium retention, hypersecretion of potassium, and sometimes even cardiac arrest. In the case of a treatment that lasts longer than 4 to 6 consecutive weeks, it is important to use deglycyrrhized licorice (from which glycyrrhizin has been extracted).

 Body-mind approaches. We group together under the name of body-mind approaches a host of techniques and therapies that focus on the interactions between thoughts, emotions, the psyche and the physical body. In case of canker sores, the Dr Andrew Weil recommends using this type of approach to reduce the level of stress when it is a trigger for symptoms. It more particularly suggests hypnotherapy and visualization14.

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