To refute the myths – the challenge for the scientists. Experts are struggling to improve our quality of life and eliminate fears associated with food and cooking. New myths that need to stop believing now.
Microwave reduces the value of the products
Any heat treatment of products reduces the concentration of nutrients – vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Microwave ovens produce less heat, and heating is faster. That is why the action of microwaves on the contrary is least detrimental to the product structure. In General, the process of heating in the microwave is equal to cooking.
Swallowed gum stays in the body
In childhood, we learned that if you accidentally swallow the chewing gum, it will not be digested by the body and left to rot in our body. Chewing gum may actually not be fully digested, but will be released with the slag within a few hours, as all of the swallowed food.
Frozen food is useless
Fruits and vegetables are frozen immediately after harvesting, and the method of shock freezing allows you to save all the useful properties of the products. Unlike fresh fruits and vegetables, which have long been driven to the point of sale, they are even more useful.
Re-frozen foods are bad
Doctors say that properly thawed foods can be re-frozen. Just make sure that the products have not started to spoil and on their surface, there are no bacteria. Fish and meat should be cooked after defrosting and then re-frozen, divide then into portions for convenience.
Gluten-free foods are healthier
Gluten is harmful to those who have diagnosed with celiac disease – an anomaly of the intestinal epithelium. A gluten-free food helps the stomach to digest food easier, however, healthy people don’t need to completely exclude gluten from their diet. Overreliance on gluten-free food does more harm than good.