The regular intake of antibiotics sometimes leads to the resistance of strains of bacteria. Which constitutes a real health problem.
Certain treatments with colloidal silver address the problems of bacterial resistance.
What is colloidal silver? what are its uses, its composition and its benefits?
What is colloidal silver?
Colloidal silver (sylver colloidal) is made from silver ions and silver particles. These are silver ions (Ag +) captured and dissolved in water.
Conveniently, colloidal silver is an odorless, pale yellow liquid made from silver and pure water. The solution is obtained by the method of electrolysis (1).
Colloidal silver is also called nano silver and “nano sylver” in English.
Carrying a positive electric charge, nanosilver is a mineral (more precisely an trace element) which is used to treat microbial and antibacterial infections.
Colloidal means “similar to a glue”. Water is colloidal in nature just like your blood.
Colloidal silver has specific properties. It is generally used in hospitals to fight against certain infections. It is also used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of many drugs.
The use of colloidal silver goes beyond the Medico-pharmaceutical sphere. It also extends to the food industry (2).
Nanosilver is different from silver nitrate. Nanosilver has been declared non-toxic while silver salts such as silver nitrate have been considered toxic.
Distinguish the real from the fake colloidal silver
The colloidal state of a liquid or food makes it absorbable by your body.
Real colloidal silver is crystal clear with a pale yellow color and should be distinguished from imitations. It is made up of 50% silver ions and 50% silver particles.
Given the high cost of colloidal silver, some laboratories manufacture ionic silver instead. The percentage of silver ions is much higher than that of agent particles in the ionic silver solution. It is almost ineffective.
The concentration of colloidal silver is measured in ppm (milligram per liter). The silver should have a capacity between 5 and 25 ppm per liter in your colloidal silver.
Quality colloidal silver does not foam when shaken. Prefer for more efficiency, solutions without preservatives or adjuvants.
Another technique to test the quality of your solution: pour a pinch of salt into the solution. Expose the solution to a light source. If it’s cloudy, it means it’s not real colloidal silver.
Short story
Widespread use of colloidal silver in ancient times
Silver objects in Greek and Roman civilization were very often used to preserve the freshness and quality of drinks.
To preserve the wine and water of monarchs as well as aristocrats; silver leaves, silver coins or other small silver objects were placed at the bottom of the receptacles.
In everyday life, ordinary citizens also had silver coins at the bottom of their utensil to preserve the quality and taste of the liquid it contained.
It is reported that silver ions also preserve the quality of milk. Just clean and throw the money in the utensil with the milk. This practice was common in the United States and Great Britain.
In Asia, the quality teapots are in silver. They provide the best tea taste compared to other materials. The quality utensils were also in silver. It is the same nowadays.
Beyond preserving the quality of the taste and freshness of food, money was once used to fight infections.
Drinking liquids bathed in money preserved illnesses.

Colloidal silver is forgotten
Until the beginning of the 20th century, people used colloidal silver to treat certain infections such as colds, digestive problems, genital and urinary diseases, respiratory tract diseases, and skin problems. It was recognized as a natural antibiotic.
With the development of medicine, synthetic antibiotics and other drugs; treatments from natural sources have gradually taken over, if not forgotten.
But in 1970, in the United States, New York, then in Washington, Dr Robert Otto Becker, professor at the university of medicine published his research on colloidal silver.
He was an orthopedic surgeon. His research focused mainly on electromedicine. He had indeed used colloidal silver to cure almost incurable diseases.
However, the American medical authorities boycotted his research by cutting off his research funds.
He made his work on colloidal silver known through two books he published. These books have met with great success with the population.
It demonstrates the extent to which the use of colloidal silver in the electromedical treatment of fractures and bone tissue diseases is more effective.
Dr. Becker’s research has influenced other researchers. There is a wealth of research on the effect of colloidal silver.
In the 20th century, the production of colloidal silver was low. Its uses were limited to the pharmaceutical and medical fields. But between 2000 and 2004, the production of colloidal silver increased by a factor of 500. Here are the benefits of this powerful natural antibiotic.
Heal wounds
Nanosilver has been used externally in the treatment of wounds in the medical field for a long time. For minor burns or wounds that take a long time to heal, use colloidal silver for the dressing.
Cosmetic treatments
Colloidal silver is used more and more in the cosmetics industry. Considering that nanosilver has the power to suck up and destroy certain fungi and bacteria; it is used to treat skin problems.
Colloidal silver in moisturizing lotion helps cleanse the skin of its impurities. Colloidal silver based lotions help to even out your skin. They also make the skin soft and clear.
Colloidal silver is also used as a makeup remover to clear the pores of impurities. It helps prevent microbial, bacterial infections of your skin.
Men can also use it as an aftershave. The skin becomes very soft, clean. They will also have a feeling of well-being (3).
Beyond its effectiveness in the beauty of your skin, colloidal silver can be used to treat skin problems such as warts, acne, abscesses, psoriasis …
Against sinus obstruction
If you have difficulty breathing, your nostrils are congested, colloidal silver is used to declutter the sinuses.
Brands usually have their own method and amount of water to dilute. Refer to the instructions for your colloidal silver.
If not precise, dilute ½ teaspoon of colloidal silver in ¼ cup of lukewarm water.
Soak a cotton ball in the solution obtained. Enough and tilt your head back. Pour a few drops (2-3) into the left nostril.
Keep your head back for at least 15 seconds, to allow the solution to seep into your sinuses. Repeat the same procedure for the right nostril.
When you’re done, blow your nose. The mucus will come down more easily and you will be able to breathe more easily.
For earaches
Colloidal silver is used to treat mild earaches. As with the nostrils, dilute your amount of colloidal silver in lukewarm water.
Put the solution with a cotton ball in your ears, one at a time. Keep your head tilted for 15 seconds to allow the solution to penetrate the inside of the treated ear before moving to the second ear.
Elimination of a multitude of viruses and bacteria
Colloidal silver eliminates a multitude of bacteria and viruses resistant to antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs. These are among others:
- Staphylococcus aureus: these are bacteria responsible for food poisoning, skin problems, and others.
30 to 50% of the population are healthy carriers of Staphylococcus aureus. You get sick when your immune system goes down; thus promoting the reign of bad bacteria in your immune system.
- Bacillary dysentery: it is caused by the bacteria Shigella dysenteriae. These bacteria are often resistant to antibiotics. The treatment of bacillary dysentery with nanosilvers has been a complete success.
- Tuberculosis bacilli: these bacteria are very resistant. However, the use of nanosilver in the manufacture of drugs against tuberculosis bacilli has been shown to be effective for their destruction.
- Enterococci are also bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. They are present in the intestines. They (4) become offensive to humans when their immune defenses decrease, with age, diseases.
To read: The best natural anti-inflammatories
For the health of your nails
Our fingernails and toenails are exposed to fungi, bacteria and germs of all kinds on a daily basis. Colloidal silver is effective in treating nail diseases (such as nail fungus or foot fungus
Pour 2 teaspoons in 1 liter of lukewarm water. Soak the affected nails for about XNUMX minutes, then let dry.
Colloidal silver is also available as a lotion that you can use to massage and moisturize your nails after bathing. Pour generously on the nails, at their base. Massage well (5).
Against the problemsmy digestives
Colloidal silver inhibits the activity and growth of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, kings and citizens consumed water and liquids containing money.
Colloidal silver is effective in the treatment of diarrhea, bloating, gastritis, hemorrhoids.
Against oral diseases
Colloidal silver was used in ancient times to treat oral infections. It is effective in the treatment of gum disease. These are for example gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), periodontitis.
Colloidal silver is also used against tooth problems, bad breath, fungi, bacteria, dental plaques and other diseases directly or indirectly affecting the oral environment.
Regular mouthwash with colloidal silver helps maintain good breath and dental hygiene (6).
Against genitourinary infections
Colloidal silver was used in pharmacopoeia in the treatment of urinary tract and genital infections.
Mention may be made, for example, of infectious urethritis, infectious cystitis, enlarged prostate, gonorrhea, vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, vaginal yeast infection.
Cosmetic products
Colloidal silver is used to fight infections of the skin, nails and scalp. Be sure to check the amount of nanosilver in the cosmetic product before buying it.
Indeed, some products contain traces of it. This would make the treatment of your nails or your hair with colloidal silver ineffective. The amount of nanosilver diluted in the lotion, cream or mask is important in the effectiveness of the product.

Medical use
Using colloidal silver on the skin
In the medical field of severe burns, silver leaves are used to cover large wounds. Colloidal silver is used to treat in addition to severe burns; fistulas, wounds, ulcers.
Veterinary use
Veterinarians also use nanosilver in solutions to treat certain infections in their patients – animals.
It is mainly used against diarrhea, stomach ulcers, problems related to the intestines. These solutions are oral.
You can also spray colloidal silver in bee hives to control bee plague.
Large-scale water filter and distribution
The high quality filters contain nanosilver for greater protection of the filter candles.
These are the filters that NASA (United States) and Russian astrologers use for sterilizing water in space shuttles.
Colloidal silver is also used in hospitals to treat bacteria, recalcitrant viruses. Indeed, Legionnaires’ disease is a pneumonia that was frequent in hospitals.
Internal water distribution systems in hospitals in the United States use silver and copper ionization systems to provide better protection against multiple bacteria and viruses.
We note that since the installation of these systems, the virus, responsible for the legionnaire (pneumonia) has been virtually eradicated.
For plants
Colloidal silver can be used to treat ailments in houseplants. It is also effective against plant cancer, leaf curl, gray rot …
The dangers of colloidal silver
Colloidal silver is not recommended for people with kidney failure.
In pregnant and breastfeeding women, the consumption of colloidal silver is also not recommended.
Avoid consuming it or silver salts (powder, liquid…) over a long period, for example several weeks, months or years. Indeed, an excess of colloidal silver causes theargyrisme (7).
Argyrism is an affection caused by money. It causes discoloration of the skin, in part or in whole depending on the severity of the disease. The skin takes on a gray tint.
In the event of renal failure, the risks of‘argyrisme are larger since the kidneys no longer have this ability to purify the body. Argyrism can then appear more quickly.
In January 2010, the marketing of silver (as a mineral) in dietary supplements was banned. This ban concerns the territory of the European Union.
We are still awaiting evaluation from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
In the United States, after extensive research and medical conclusions, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the marketing of colloidal silver in food supplements.
Colloidal silver is a solution combining ions and particles of silver dissolved in water.
Thanks to multiple tests and scientific research, we have been able to detect the benefits of this solution for the protection of the immune system.
To avoid overdoses, always refer to the package leaflet for your solution.
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