General description of the disease
Colitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the inner mucous membrane of the colon.
Colitis causes:
- various intestinal bacteria, fungi, viruses, infections (salmonellosis and dysentery are a prime example);
- long-term use of antibiotics, laxatives, antipsychotics;
- poor blood supply to the intestine (mainly in the elderly);
- improper diet (monotonous food, large consumption of flour and meat, spicy food and alcoholic beverages);
- radiation exposure;
- dysbiosis;
- allergic reaction to food;
- poisoning with heavy metals and arsenic;
- worms;
- genetic predisposition;
- wrong lifestyle;
- exorbitant physical and psychological stress.
The main types, causes and symptoms of colitis:
- 1 Ulcerative – ulcers form on the walls of the colon, while the patient may feel severe pain on the left side of the abdomen, there are constant temperature fluctuations, frequent constipation, sometimes painful sensations in the joints. If you do not react to the symptoms in any way, then after a while bleeding from the rectum or bloody-purulent discharge will appear.
- 2 Spastic – bloated stomach, diarrhea or constipation, gas, abdominal pain. This disorder occurs against the background of nervous experiences and stress.
- 3 Pseudomembranous – its symptoms depend on the form of the course. The mild form occurs due to dysbiosis, which was formed due to prolonged use of antibiotics, manifests itself in the form of diarrhea. After the end of taking the pills, the stool becomes normal. For moderate to severe forms, diarrhea is characteristic even after the end of antibiotic intake. At the same time, mucus, blood, fever, a weak and broken state appear in the feces, the patient often vomits. In addition to stomach disorders, cardiovascular disorders also occur.
- 4 Enterocolitis – can be infectious and non-infectious. Symptoms: nausea, bloating, a white coating appears on the tongue. If this is an infectious enterocolitis, then blood in the stool is added to everything, symptoms of poisoning appear (severe headache, all bones ache, severe weakness).
- 5 Ischemic – occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the large intestine, manifests itself in pain in the left abdomen, intestinal obstruction, then peritonitis appears, over time the patient loses weight.
Colitis forms:
- acute – often has a simultaneous course with inflammation of the small intestine and stomach (gastritis), pathogens are often microorganisms (dysentery, salmonella, streptococcus and staphylococcus);
- chronic – occurs due to malnutrition for many years.
Useful foods for colitis
With a strong exacerbation, it is necessary to starve for 2-3 days (while the patient should drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, tea is possible), then he must sit on a special diet (depending on the symptoms, the duration of the diet can be from 2 weeks up to several months). And only then can you return to your normal diet.
Healthy foods and dishes include:
- vegetable purees and cutlets, greens, boiled cabbage (cauliflower), zucchini, pumpkin (and it is also useful to drink the water in which it was cooked);
- rice, semolina, oatmeal;
- freshly squeezed juices, tea, compotes, decoctions made from currant berries, rose hips, various jelly;
- jam, fruit (boiled), homemade jelly;
- fermented milk products, namely: non-acidic sour cream, low-fat kefir, yogurt, milk, grated cottage cheese;
- olive and butter;
- meat and fish of non-fatty varieties, steamed or boiled;
- eggs (boiled and no more than a piece per day);
- bread (white, gray wheat, crackers), biscuit (dry), biscuits and baked goods.
The number of meals should be at least 4, but not more than 6 per day.
Traditional medicine for colitis
To normalize the condition, it is necessary to drink decoctions from nettle leaves, mint, chamomile flowers, burnet roots, sage leaves, bird cherry fruits, alder earrings, smokehouse (all dosages should be observed, since this plant is considered poisonous), wormwood, oregano, St. John’s wort, from seeds cumin. In case of severe diarrhea, drink a decoction of canadian small petals (people call the herb “shut up gusno”).
In addition to herbal medicine, enemas should also be given, which are prepared with the addition of onion and garlic juice, aloe, infusion of orange, pomegranate skins.
Dangerous and harmful foods for colitis
- fatty meat and fish;
- alcoholic beverages;
- all flour made from shortbread and puff pastry;
- all soda;
- coffee;
- legumes;
- barley and pearl barley porridge, millet, pasta;
- mushrooms, radish with radish;
- sauces, marinades, smoked meats, spices, pickles;
- seasonings;
- freshly baked baked goods;
- sausage, canned food, sausages;
- vegetables and fruits that have not been heat treated;
- shop sweets;
- fried, too salty, fatty, spicy foods.
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