Coal or firewood: how to properly heat a stove, boiler, fireplace with coal
Have you decided to install self-contained boiler equipment? Or do you own a house with a real stove? In such cases, you need to know how to heat with coal. Having mastered this simple science, you can enjoy the warmth even in the most severe frosts.
Learn how to heat a stove or fireplace with coal, then your home will be warm and cozy.
How to heat: coal or firewood?
There is no single answer to this question. But all people agree on one thing: it is impossible to light the stove without firewood. The coal simply won’t ignite. Therefore, at the initial stage, firewood is indispensable. Then coal is poured on them in small portions.
Firewood has many advantages. They flare up easily and provide a fairly high temperature. But there is one big drawback: they burn out quickly. Even large logs do not burn for long.
Coal burns for a long time.
It is enough to put it in the oven a couple of times, and the heat will be kept for the whole day.
But even here it was not without a fly in the ointment. Coal never burns out completely, so the chimney must not be closed. Otherwise, you can get crazy.
In this case, it is better to use birch firewood, and anthracite coal.
To keep the house warm, you need to study all the nuances of the heating process. We will deal with the boiler and the stove.
- How to heat a boiler with coal? You need to pour some coal into it. Adjust the air supply. The combustion time depends on the amount of oxygen supplied: the more there is, the faster the process goes. Coal should fill 1/3 of the chamber. This will keep you warm for up to 3 hours. If you want to increase the time, you need to fill half of the chamber. It is inappropriate to pour too much fuel, it is unlikely that it will burn out. It will simply be sintered on the grate. It will be difficult to clear it later.
- How to properly heat the stove with coal? It is necessary to load the fuel in small portions, the coal layer should not exceed 15 cm. First, firewood is used, after they burn up, coal is added. The next portion should be added only after the previous one has almost burned out. The blower is opened for oxygen access. The chimney can be closed only after the firebox has been cleared of all combustion products.
- Can a fireplace be stoked with coal? Yes, you can. The tablets for kindling are placed in a layer of coal, which is not more than 5 cm. Sometimes an electric igniter is also used, it is directed directly to the coal. When the fuel has ignited, the device can be turned off.
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