Classic massage – what does it look like? When is it worth signing up for a massage?

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Classic massage is not an invention of the XNUMXst century, it was known in antiquity. Classic massage has its origins in China, where it was discovered that pressure can have a beneficial effect not only on physical health, but also on our mental comfort. It is increasingly practiced as a form of relaxation. What does a classic massage look like? Are there any contraindications to massage?

Does classic massage require specialized preparations? Experts agree that you shouldn’t prepare yourself for massaging. The only thing to remember is that one and a half hours before the procedure, you should not eat too heavy a meal. Before the massage, you should take a shower for your own comfort, because the patient is naked during the treatment and his private parts should be covered with a towel.

Classic massage – what it looks like

Classic massage has many positive properties not only on the physical, but also on the mental sphere of our body. First of all, classic massage activates our circulatory system to function. Blood and other nutrients circulate more efficiently in our body, oxygenating and nourishing it. Another positive effect is the effect that classic massage has on our nervous system. Massage can calm down or stimulate the patient, this is due to the fact that thanks to pressure, stimuli are sent to our muscles faster. Classic massage also supports our digestive system, because it not only facilitates digestion, but also accelerates the absorption of nutrients. Classic massage has a beneficial effect on our joints and muscles.

It must not be forgotten that the classic massage has a positive effect on the psyche of the patient. A skillfully conducted classic massage causes the release of serotonin, i.e. the hormone of happiness, after the treatment the patient feels relaxed and relaxed. In addition, the classic massage removes old, calloused epidermis, which makes the skin not only smoother, but also firmer.

Classical massage techniques are well established, they require not only skill, but also sensitivity and precision. Anyone who performs classic massage should know the human anatomy very well. It is also very important that the massager knows about all past injuries, diseases of the patient and his current health condition.

The classic massage consists of: stroking, which is performed at the beginning and end of the treatment, rubbing is the next stage of massaging and is most often used in the case of bruises, injuries, sprains, the next is squeezing is used for lymphatic drainage and sports massage, kneading belongs to the strongest stage of the massage.

The individual steps of the massage can be used as a whole, but also as separate elements. Classic massage can be used as a relaxing massage or as a health massage. An effective classic massage is a massage performed systematically.

Classic massage – indications

First of all, classic massage is recommended for contusions and injuries, rheumatic diseases, degeneration of joints or muscles, it is also very good for inflammation of the muscles. It is used for ailments with the spine, it also helps with faster healing of wounds. Classic massage is recommended for problems with proper metabolism or even overweight.

Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy classical massage. What are the contraindications to its performance? People who cannot benefit from the treatment should not have any problems with the skin. Classic massage cannot be performed when the patient is infected, has a fever, is diagnosed with peripheral arteriosclerosis, heart disease, gastric or duodenal ulcer disease, kidney stones. Classic massage should not be performed on women who are menstruating or pregnant at the moment.

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