The chub is a freshwater fish that belongs to the carp family. One of its distinguishing features is its attractive appearance. On the back, the chub has a dark green, almost black, color, and on the sides – silvery-yellowish.
The pectoral fins of the chub are colored orange, while the anal and abdominal fins are reddish. This is a rather large fish, the average length of which reaches eighty centimeters, and the average weight is eight kilograms. The chub’s massive head, slightly flattened on top, easily distinguishes this fish from many other representatives of the dace genus.

Chub is found mainly in rivers, however, sometimes it can also be found in lakes. This breed of fish is widespread in Europe, as well as Asia Minor. In the Caucasus, there is a separate related species = Caucasian chub.
Chub calorie content
The calorie content of the chub is low, it is 127 kcal per 100 grams
- Proteins, g: 17.8
- Fat, g: 5.6
- Carbohydrates, g: 0.0
Composition and useful properties

Chub has a high nutritional value. Its meat is highly nutritious and easily digestible. In connection with these useful qualities, the chub is often used in dietary nutrition, and especially in dishes for children, as well as for the elderly. In addition, dishes made from this fish are recommended for those who are afraid to gain extra pounds.
Chub meat is nutritious and healthy, contains vitamins: PP, B12, B9, B6, B5, B2, B1, C, K, E. It can be used in dietary nutrition, as well as in the menu of children and older people.
The meat of this freshwater fish is rich in iron, copper, boron, lithium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, bromine, as well as some other useful micro and macro elements. Chub fat contains the necessary amount of retinol – vitamin A, which promotes the regeneration of cells throughout the body, as well as essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the risk of developing various diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Harm and contraindications
This fish is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, in addition, it should be used with caution by children and the elderly, since chub meat contains a large number of small bones, which is why there is a risk of choking.
Chub in cooking

It is a predatory fish that feeds on fry, insects and even mice. Chub meat has a mud smell, it contains a large number of small bones. Nevertheless, this fish is popular in cooking. If you cook it correctly, you get a pretty tasty dish.
The easiest way to cook fish is to bake it in foil with vegetables, while, to eliminate the unpleasant odor, the fish is preliminarily marinated in lemon juice with spices for several hours. Also fish is fried, stewed, fish soup is prepared from it, salted, pickled.
On the market and in stores, you can mainly find frozen fish, when buying, you should pay attention to the shelf life of the fish, since this fish spoils very quickly and there is a risk of purchasing a stale product.
Very popular in the culinary field is fried chub in a pan or grill, baked chub in various spices and sauces, as well as chub stewed with vegetables and sour cream. Very tasty fish soup is obtained from the chub. In addition, chub meat is very good for pickling or pickling with vinegar and spices, and also use as an addition to salads.
Chub meat goes well with boiled potatoes, lightly salted cucumbers, kvass, sweet green peppers, as well as lightly fried white bread in a skillet. As a decoration for chub dishes, you can use lemon slices, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, green lettuce leaves, and small pieces of lavash.
Most often, frozen chub is found on the shelves of our supermarkets, shops and markets. When purchasing this fish, carefully look at the expiration date, as it tends to spoil too much, moreover, regardless of where it is – in the water or in the open air.

To prepare the dish, we need the following ingredients:
- one large chub – 500-700 g;
- parsley – 1 bunch;
- onions – 2 pcs.;
- a few laurel leaves;
- sour cream – 150 g;
- paprika, salt, allspice, vegetable seasoning.
- The chub must be cleaned. It is better to cut off the head and leave for cooking fish soup. We carefully take out the insides of the fish, clean it from the husk. We wash it under running water.
- Marinating the chub. To do this, grease it abundantly with sour cream, rub it with salt, pepper and seasoning. Salt the fish inside and grease it with sour cream. Next, fill with chopped herbs, onions, bay leaves. Leave to marinate for at least one hour.
- Grease the fish with sour cream again, sprinkle with paprika and parsley.
- Wrap the baking sheet with foil. We bake the fish for a little over an hour on low heat.
Tip: sour cream can always be replaced with mayonnaise.
Enjoy your meal!
Co za bzdury wypisujcie. Od 30 lat jestem wędkarzem. mięso klenia jest ohydne o zapachu tranu,wodniste i ościste. Nikt tego nie je.
.Na talerzu jest makrela a nie kleń
Ik ving een kopvoorn vis en maakte hem schoon, maar de kleur van zijn vlees was bijna geel, niet zoals de rest van de vis.Is dit de normale kleur van zijn vlees?