Choose an orthopedic pillow? Video Tips

Choose an orthopedic pillow? Video Tips

An excellent mood and good health provide a person not only with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle, but also with excellent sleep. This time is necessary for the body to fully renew itself. However, sleep is sometimes disturbed, and the reason for this may be an uncomfortable pillow.

Choose an orthopedic pillow

Why an orthopedic pillow?

The orthopedic pillow is a unique invention. It has an unusual shape to provide the greatest possible support to the neck and head. Due to this, you do not feel even minimal discomfort and you get a great sleep. Also, an orthopedic pillow will prevent deformity of the spine, relieve stress and remove pain from a history of trauma.

Orthopedic pillows vary in their filling. The most popular is “shape memory”. Such a pillow will recover very slowly if you press on it even a little. She will always tell you in which position you fall asleep easily. Also, the advantage of special foam is its ability to self-ventilate. Thanks to this, the temperature always remains at a neutral level, and you are neither hot nor cold.

However, shape memory foam is not the only possible filling of an orthopedic pillow. They also consist of mini springs, latex / viscolatex, cooling gel. Each filler has its own benefits

Due to the peculiarities of the materials, dangerous microorganisms will never start in the orthopedic pillow, it will not cause allergic reactions and will not absorb foreign odors. The service life of the product is quite long, but manufacturers recommend replacing it every 8-10 years. Firstly, during this time the materials can wear out pretty much. Second, your anatomy and habits can change significantly.

In order not to fall for the tricks of sellers, when choosing an orthopedic pillow, you must be able to distinguish it from the traditional one. In this case, you need to focus on the two most important parameters: form and filling.

Most often, simple pillows are square, round, or rectangular. They can be flat or airy, have special linings, thanks to which they will remotely resemble orthopedic products.

However, do not fall for visual deception, study the attached label.

Traditional pillow fillings do not have the ability to support the neck and head during sleep. This is a synthetic winterizer, fluff or feather, holofiber. For an orthopedic product, they may also try to sell you a foam filler. Please note: bamboo fibers, grains, husks have nothing to do with medicinal products for sleep.

How to choose a healthy pillow

The pillow should be fully responsive to your habits and help you fall asleep quickly and sleep well. Therefore, orthopedic products are presented in numerous variations in width, height, shape. Take your time choosing your pillow.

To determine which pillow is best for you, experts recommend conducting a preliminary analysis. For some time, try to remember in which position you fall asleep. This will allow you to most accurately determine exactly “your” pillow.

At the store, lie down for a few different options. Pay attention to the following parameters.

First, thanks to the support of the orthopedic pillow, the head must be flush with the body.

This position does not change and does not depend on the posture during sleep.

Secondly, you should immediately feel relaxation in the spine and cervical spine. At the same time, all natural curves are preserved. Third, remember that the shape of the pillow is the last thing. It turns out that pillows of different heights are suitable for different people who equally fall asleep on their side. For those who sleep on their backs, the classic longitudinal shape is recommended. All of these points will show which pillow option is right for you.

Important features of a good pillow

Experts say that traditional square pillows should be a thing of the past. Such products are not able to help a person relax and sleep comfortably. For good sleep, consider some nuances when choosing an orthopedic pillow.

An orthopedic pillow is very different from a regular pillow. Expect it to take a few nights to get used to. However, soon enough you will feel all the convenience and comfort that a new purchase provides.

Choose an orthopedic pillow

For example, when choosing a pillow, it is important to consider your body structure. Girls with wider shoulders need a taller product for sleeping. If you prefer to sleep on your back, choose a lower pillow. If on the side – higher.

It turns out that the choice of an orthopedic pillow is also influenced by the mattress on your bed. The tall pillow will perfectly support your body if there is a hard surface underneath.

The softer it is, the lower the product should be under the head.

Also remember: only the head and neck should sleep on the pillow. The shoulders in no way fall on her. Due to the numerous individual characteristics, never buy an orthopedic pillow, even for the closest person.

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