For the inhabitants of our country, cherry tomatoes are practically the only reliable alternative to juicy and tasty summer tomatoes from October to June.
One of the varieties of tomatoes is cherry tomato, which differs from other varieties in small fruits. But, besides this, this variety has a low calorie content in comparison with other varieties. The useful and harmful qualities for people are described in detail in this review.
Nutritional value and chemical composition
- calorie content: 15 kcal;
- proteins: 0.8 g;
- fats: 0.2 g;
- carbohydrates: 2.8 g.
The composition of 100 g of products includes:
- water: 93.4 g;
- alimentary fiber,
- organic acids;
- vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP;
- trace elements: iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, cobalt; macroelements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur.
These dwarf tomatoes are ideal for winter use as they do not lose their value at any time of the year. Plus, they contain 2 times more dry matter than other varieties. Like most other tomatoes, this variety has many beneficial qualities, but it also carries some harm to humans.
Why are cherry tomatoes useful?

The main positive properties include:
- recommended for weight loss and normal weight maintenance;
- serves as a preventive measure against the occurrence of cancer ailments;
- with its help, calcium is better absorbed, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the kidneys of the bile ducts;
- in cool weather compensates for the decrease in nutrients;
- eliminates inflammatory processes in the body;
- reduces the risk of eye diseases; helps with cardiovascular pathology;
- acts as a natural antidepressant due to lycopene, the most powerful substance found in cherry;
- normalizes the digestion process and speeds up the metabolism;
- creates a feeling of fullness and lack of hunger;
- is an irreplaceable source of vitamins during the period of vitamin deficiency;
- removes excess moisture from the body;
- reduces anemia due to iron;
- strengthens blood vessels, as well as bone tissue;
- promotes the early healing of wounds;
- useful for hypertensive patients and patients with atherosclerosis;
- recommended in case of loss of strength.
Harm and contraindications
The tomato has the following contraindications:
- it is a strong allergen, therefore it is not recommended to eat it for young children;
- harmful to the elderly;
- dangerous for people suffering from gallstone disease;
- worsens the condition with improper metabolism;
- contraindicated in patients with stomach ulcers, although during the calm period it can be consumed in small quantities.

Consumption rates per day
Nutritionists recommend eating 6-8 pieces a day or 200 g if there are no side effects from this product.
This variety of tomatoes has a wide range of applications. According to culinary experts, it has a very unusual taste, incomparable with any other tomato. It is used in food raw for making various vegetable salads, it is used to decorate dishes, it serves as an ingredient for sandwiches, canapes, pizzas, pies, it is grilled, pickled, salted, stuffed, used in dried form, candied fruits are made.
Features of selection and storage
When buying cherry tomatoes, you need to pay attention to the following points:
fruits should be smooth, with a glossy sheen, regular shape, without signs of rotting;
have a rich aroma characteristic of tomatoes, the absence of which indicates that the tomatoes were picked not yet ripe;
skin of a natural shade;
choose tomatoes with an intact stalk;
store in a cool, dark place, preferably not in the refrigerator.
Having studied all the positive and negative properties of cherry tomatoes, we can draw the following conclusion: it is necessary to eat this variety of tomatoes, but only if there are no contraindications to it.

Cooking use
Cherry tomatoes are especially popular in Mediterranean cuisines, it is very difficult to find a dish there that would not include these vegetables. They are often used in salads and preserves. Some varieties of this vegetable are intended for drying, such tomatoes are used to prepare various dishes, for example, soups, pizzas, etc.
Cherry tomatoes are widely used in the cuisines of Spain, France and Italy. They are added to salads and also make delicious sauces. Beautiful and unusual tomatoes are used to decorate a huge number of dishes.

- Cherry tomatoes 200
- Adyghe cheese 100
- Bulgarian pepper 1
- Garlic 1
- Lettuce 30
- Dill to taste
- Butter 1
- Vegetable oil 2
- Salt to taste
- Ground black pepper to taste
- Paprika to taste
Step 1. Wash and dry vegetables and herbs.
Step 2. Cut the tomatoes in half.
Step 4. Remove the stalk and seeds from the bell pepper. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
Step 5. Finely chop the dill greens.
Step 6. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands.
Step 7. In a salad bowl combine vegetables and herbs, salt and pepper, season with olive oil and stir.
Step 8. Cut the Adyghe cheese into slices or cubes. 7. Put salad on a dish, and fried cheese in the center.
Step 9. Pass the garlic through a press.
Step 10. Heat butter in a frying pan.
Step 11. Add garlic and spices and fry for 30 seconds.
Step 12. Place the pieces of cheese in a frying pan and fry for about 4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Put salad on the dish, and fried cheese in the center.

- Bread 1
- Processed cheese 2
- Cherry tomatoes 12
- Olives 300
- Lettuce 12
- Dill 1
So, we take toaster bread (as a rule, it is already cut into pieces) and lightly dry in a toaster or oven. After the bread has cooled slightly, put one piece of melted cheese on each slice. Now we put lettuce leaves on a wide dish, on top of them are semi-prepared sandwiches. Then wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. We put 2 halves of tomatoes in opposite corners of the bread. Now we open a can of olives, take them out. We take one olive tree at a time, cut off a third of it and make the head of a ladybug out of it, from the rest of the olive tree legs. After that, sprinkle the sandwiches with chopped dill.