Cherry Blossom Festival in the Jerte Valley

Cherry Blossom Festival in the Jerte Valley

Every year, the Valle del Jerte, in Cáceres (Extremadura), dresses in white to welcome spring.

It is the occasion that the 11 municipalities that make up this Valley take the opportunity to organize a party that, since 2010, has been considered National Tourist Interest.

On the occasion of the flowering of the cherry trees, in the Jerte Valley a series of activities are held included in the call: “Spring and Cherry Blossom in the Jerte Valley “, which will run from March 16 to May 3. It seems like a long celebration, doesn’t it?

True, but these activities are carried out based on the three stages of cherry blossoms:

  • El Awakening of the valley, which is usually the first week from the start of the celebration, in this case on March 16
  • The second stage, the Cherry Blossom which usually lasts a month, until mid-April
  • The last, the Petal Rain until the beginning of May, which is when the entire valley floor is covered by the delicate flowers of the cherry trees, leaving only their leaves and leaves on the trees. future cherries or picotas.

Cherry Blossom Festival

The second stage, that of the Cherry Blossoms, is the one that makes the most impression on the visitors who flock to the Jerte Valley on those days. In fact, such is the beauty of these landscapes that since 2010 it is considered National Tourist Interest. This year the Cherry Blossom Festival It will open in Casas del Castañar on March 29, and will close in El Torno on April 6.

What is special about the Jerte Valley? Well, the truth is that to answer this question we could say “go and tell us on the way back”, since through words, it is difficult to describe something so special.

Think that when you see a lonely cherry blossom you marvel, now imagine a million and a half cherry blossoms at once. Furthermore, the peculiarity of this valley is that it has been terraced modelingTherefore, if you visit this region at different times of flowering, you will be able to appreciate it in a staggered way.

Activities of the Gastronomic Festival

Since the origins of this festival date back to the 70s, during these dates the locals carry out numerous activities to teach visitors what life was like in the valley 50 years ago. Forges, wineries and houses with traditional architecture open their doors during celebrations to give us the opportunity to do a travel in the time.

The activities organized during the Cherry Blossom Festival are a showcase of the culture, gastronomy, traditions and ways of life of the Valle del Jerte region.

If what you really want is to enjoy the cherry blossoms in all their splendor, the inhabitants of the area recommend go during the week since there are crowds on weekends. In addition, whether you have a car or if you prefer hiking, the 11 town councils of the Jerte Valley have guides to carry out routes that run throughout the region so that you can appreciate the flowered valley from all possible perspectives.

Remember that although these dates are thus established, they do not always coincide with the flowering of the cherry trees, since it always varies depending on the weather and it is unpredictable to know if the flowering will be earlier or, if on the contrary, the flowering will be delayed.

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