Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 620 Kcal.
Celery is an excellent assistant in destroying extra pounds. Nutritionists have developed a weight loss method based on this product, which promises to help you lose 4 kg per week. You can adhere to it for up to 14 days, in which case weight loss may be more noticeable. According to reviews, some managed to lose up to 10 kg during this period.
Celery diet requirements
The main protagonist of the celery method is a soup based on this product. He prepares as follows. Take these ingredients:
- celery roots (300 g);
- white cabbage (300 g);
- 2 carrots;
- 2 bulgarian peppers;
- 5 onions;
- a bunch of celery leaves;
- a bunch of dill and parsley;
- 3 medium garlic cloves;
- tomato paste (200 ml);
- vegetable (preferably olive) oil (2 tbsp. l.);
- 2 bay leaf.
Now chop the celery, pepper, cabbage, 4 onions and chop the carrots with a coarse grater. Pour all this with cold water (about 3 liters), boil and cook for 15 minutes. Fry one remaining onion in a pan using oil, then pour a glass of tomato paste over it and simmer for a couple of minutes. Now send the contents of the pan to the soup, throw the whole garlic cloves there, chopped dill and parsley, bay leaves and boil for another 5-7 minutes. The dish is ready.
In addition to soup, on different days (which is described in detail in the menu) you can eat non-starchy vegetables and fruits, brown rice, and lean beef. Try to eat fractionally, spreading meals evenly and refusing food 2-3 hours before bedtime. Eat as much as you like. Products that are standardized are indicated in the menu. But overeating is still undesirable. Stretching the stomach, even with low-calorie food, is useless.
Monday: soup and any fruit (except for bananas).
Tuesday: soup and any vegetables other than legumes (vegetables can be eaten fresh, boiled or canned, but it is important that no oil is added).
Wednesday: soup; any fruits and vegetables (recommendations regarding their choice are the same as for the previous days).
Thursday: the ration of the medium is repeated, but a glass of skim milk is also allowed.
Friday: soup; boiled or baked beef (no more than 300-400 g); fresh or canned (just not too salty) tomatoes.
Saturday: soup; about 300 g of beef, cooked without adding oil; any non-starchy vegetables.
Sunday: soup; a small portion of brown boiled rice; freshly squeezed fruit juices without sugar (in moderation).
Contraindications to the celery diet
- You should not sit on this diet for pregnant women, during lactation, adolescents and the elderly.
- It is worth approaching the diet with particular caution in the presence of any chronic diseases.
- In any case, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor before starting to lose weight.
Benefits of the celery diet
- Speaking about the advantages of the celery diet, of course, the beneficial properties of this culture should be noted. Celery contains a huge set of vitamins, proteins, acids, and minerals that help to ensure the stable and correct functioning of cells throughout the body and slow down the aging process. So celery, regardless of the desire to lose weight, is useful for everyone (and the fair sex, and men, and elderly people, and children, and adolescents). For everyone, there are useful characteristics in it. Celery is a completely edible vegetable. Its roots, petioles, stems and leaves are suitable for consumption.
- This vegetable is especially useful for treatment and prevention:
– with diabetes mellitus (celery is involved in the process of normalizing the water-salt balance in the body, lowers blood sugar);
– in cancer diseases (the beneficial effect of the culture is due to the large amount of vitamin A in it, which helps to minimize the negative effect of external carcinogens);
– with hypertension (celery helps to normalize blood pressure).
- Celery also has an extensive positive effect on stomach diseases of various kinds and rheumatism. The substances contained in this vegetable have an excellent effect on the body’s immune system.
- Celery is a product with a so-called negative characteristic. This means that it takes more energy to process it than the number of calories it contains. Therefore, the process of losing weight is activated. This wonderful product benefits our body raw, baked, stewed and even fried. But subjecting it to heat treatment with the addition of oil and fat is not desirable for those who want to lose weight. This will add unnecessary calories to the food.
- In addition, the advantages of the celery diet include the fact that it does not deprive the body of warm liquid food. The soup can be consumed (due to its low calorie content) in almost unlimited quantities. Celery not only promotes weight loss, but also generally heals the body.
Disadvantages of the celery diet
Celery weight loss technique and certain disadvantages were not spared.
- The diet is pretty monotonous. It employs almost the same products, and following its rules for a long time can just get boring.
- In addition, not everyone likes the taste of celery, in particular celery soup.
- Also, the disadvantages include the fact that an excess of fruits and vegetables in the diet is not always a favorable factor. If you feel any discomfort when consuming them, it is better to give preference to puree (fruit and vegetable products chopped in a blender).
- If this technique is followed, hypoglycemia (a condition in which there is a sharp decrease in the presence of glucose in the blood) may occur. This can manifest itself as weakness, loss of strength, etc. Sometimes it occurs very soon after the start of the diet (perhaps already on the second day). In this case, you should immediately eat any sweet fruit.
- If you do not feel an improvement in your condition, or if you feel worse again, be sure to stop the diet. Its continuation is fraught with the emergence of many health problems.
Repeating the celery diet
It is not recommended to repeat the celery diet earlier than a month later.