Healthy Food Near Me regularly broadcasts live with stars on her official Instagram account. On June 24, Regina Burd gave us an online interview. The conversation began with a discussion of the results of self-isolation. And then it turned out that our heroine had been seriously ill in quarantine.
“I’m probably one of the first to experience all the“ delights ”of bilateral pneumonia. No matter how hard I tried to get away from her, she still overtook our family. It is good that the spouse and children endured everything steadily, and pneumonia did not touch them. Alas, I managed to feel everything on myself from the very beginning. Everything went rather ambiguously. Hard. Thank God, now everything is over, and I still spent most of the quarantine at home with my family, “- admitted Regina.
Burd noted that during her self-isolation she looked at the wife of Sergei Zhukov with different eyes.
“We rallied, we were a single team. Moreover: while I was in the hospital, and my husband was left alone with the children, all the questions – cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, moments of a psychological nature – fell on his shoulders. And he coped with all this successfully. And even after I returned from the hospital, some of the issues of an everyday nature lay with my husband. I can say that I saw him from a completely new side, ”added our heroine.
Regina Burd: “Men from show business did not inspire confidence, and for a long time I looked closely at Seryozha, who was also afraid, having already gone through a divorce …”
In the same interview, Regina talked about what new traditions have appeared in their family, how she and Sergei raise children, resolve family conflicts and thanks to which they have been insanely happy with each other for 14 years. For the full interview, see
Photo Shoot: @burdregina, @ sezhukov / Instagram, Андрей Калмыков / Healthy Food Near Me