- Useful information about body-ballet
- Exercise body ballet
- Cardio Barre for practicing at home
- Cardio Barre: 6 videos for practicing at home
- 1. Cardio Barre: a workout for the whole body (30 minutes)
- 2. Body ballet exercise at the Barre (15 minutes)
- 3. Body Ballet for the perfect legs and butt (20 minutes)
- 4. Body Ballet “Super legs” (50 minutes)
- 5. Body Ballet for the perfect legs and buttocks (9 min)
- 6. Body Ballet for beginners (8 minutes)
Body ballet is a trend in fitness based on the exercises from classical dance, ballet, yoga and Pilates and adapted to a wide range of people. Using the ballet training you will make your body slender, develop flexibility, improve posture, gain the plasticity and gracefulness.
At all times, the ballet and classical dancing was very popular. A girl from early childhood dreams of being ballerinas and performing on the big stage. Today there is a great opportunity to become one step closer to the world of dance. Cardio Barre has become a popular sport direction recently, although his first appearance in the fitness clubs is celebrated in the mid-90s.
Useful information about body-ballet
Cardio Barre and ballet – are two big differences. The basis of body-ballet is a lightweight version of exercises from ballet and classical dance, complemented by techniques from Pilates and yoga. This is an adapted version of fitness which is suitable for most engaged. “Ballet figure” rarely is given by nature on it is necessary to diligently and carefully to work. It is classical choreography improves posture and makes the shape more feminine and soft.
Based training body ballet come from different movements from classical dance such as PA, demi-plie, Grand-plie, releve, Batman. But fear not, the exercises are adapted, so will not cause difficulties even further from the ballet people. The proposed system of movements contributes to the development of the ability to control your own body, thus the body itself becomes a beautiful, graceful and plastic.
Of course, every coach in body building ballet classes at their discretion. But, as a rule, the standard training includes the following segments:
- Warm-up, joint exercises
- Exercises of a gymnastic machine
- Exercises in the standing position without support
- Floor routines from Pilates
- Stretching, stretching
This set of exercises tighten the muscles in your body, improve physical fitness, make a figure slim and toned. But cardio Barre is not only useful for weight loss. A competent formulation of the legs, turnout of the hips, graceful posture, nice hand position, the development of plastic skills, flexibility of the spine – all of this you will receive as a result of regular exercise ballet training.
10 benefits of body ballet
What are the benefits of body-ballet and why it is the trend in fitness has received universal recognition?
- Exercises based on ballet works on the muscles of the legs, making them shapely and graceful. Especially effective in work on breeches and ears on the hips. Even imperfect legs as a result of lessons of ballet exercises becoming sophisticated silhouette.
- Not less useful and ballet exercises to strengthen the body and hands. During class, you actively engage in the work of the hands and corset muscles, thereby tightening the stomach and enhancing the shape of the arms and shoulders.
- During the classes of body ballet you’ll pull sock, thereby forcing the muscles to stretch lengthwise, not across. The leg muscles will not increase in width, so you don’t need to worry about “swinging” the hips as athletes.
- Exercises of bodi-ballet improve your posture, straighten the spine and develop the arch and relieve flat feet.
- You will learn to control your own body, make it beautiful and moving, as well as work on grace and plasticity of movements.
- Similar ballet program develop overall physical condition. If you think that exercise weight loss not worth your attention, you are wrong. The implementation of the various plies and Batman will be forced to burn muscle, even to the experienced student.
- Body ballet can help you improve stretch and develop elasticity in muscles, joints and ligaments. You will also work on opening the hip joints, which is especially useful in the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Regular classes of body ballet develop coordination and sense of balance.
- Ballet’s low impact load has a negative and traumatic effect on the muscles, ligaments and joints.
- Body ballet stimulates the internal organs, stimulates blood circulation, develops and strengthens the joints and rejuvenates the body.
Exercise body ballet
Body ballet can be enjoyed at any age without restrictions. And this kind of fitness suitable even for untrained people who are far from sports, dancing, especially ballet. Exercise body ballet are gentle for the joints, so it is especially suitable for those who avoid intensive shock loads.
Specific contraindications for exercise body ballet is not. But classes are not recommended for people with heart failure, varicose veins or severe, aggravation of diseases of the joints.
Exercise body ballet will appeal to those who:
- want to achieve a toned slim body, no pumped muscles;
- want to improve stretching, flexibility and joint mobility;
- who wants to improve posture;
- who wants to work on the gracefulness and plasticity.
- who are looking for high quality versatile exercises for improving physical training;
- does not like or cannot perform vysokogornyy or weight training.
Equipment of performance of exercises
- The first time pay special attention to the technique of performing the exercises, follow the posture and body. If necessary, it is better to reduce the rate of exercise, honing the proper technique. Body ballet quality is always more important than quantity.
- Throughout workout your body should be in good shape: the shoulders are lowered, neck straightened, Breasts, stomach tightened, buttocks clenched. Try to align the body, not to lift up the chin up and did not raise shoulders to the ears. Always drag the top up, it will help good posture.
- During exercise with the machine do not need to slump into and hard to rely on: only touch slightly to keep his balance. Constant monitoring will help you to maintain good posture, incorporate in the work all the muscles and most effectively perform the exercises.
- Exercise body ballet can take place not only weight loss, but also with additional equipment: a rubber ball, light dumbbells (usually to work the arms and shoulders), an exercise ball, elastic bands. This includes working additional muscle groups and allows you to exercise even more productive.
What to wear for classes of body ballet?
Special requirements in clothing for classes of body ballet, no. In order to better control techniques, it will be convenient to choose bodycon knit models, such as leggings and a t-shirt. This will help the trainer to see if you correctly perform exercises.
In the choice of shoes also there is no strict requirements. You can do barefoot or in socks, but you can buy special shoes: Pointe shoes, ballet Slippers or light shoes. It is very important that clothing and footwear should be comfortable and comfort.
How effective are body-ballet for weight loss?
First and foremost, exercise by body ballet can help you bring the muscles in tone, to get rid of sagging, work on problem areas. If you want to seriously lose weight and get rid of excess fat, then ballet lessons are not the most effective way to achieve this. For weight loss quick results you can achieve, for example, HIIT-training, and cardio Barre is more conducive to improving the quality of the body.
In addition, weight loss results are highly dependant on the training. As you know, each coach offers his own vision of body ballet, so programs can vary in intensity, complexity and level of fat burning. Therefore, to give definite characteristics in terms of load from body ballet still impossible.
It is important to remember that to lose weight you first need to eat right. If you set reasonable limits in food, you will lose weight, even doing just body-ballet. To achieve quick results, it is recommended to do a ballet workout 3-4 times a week from 45 minutes to an hour.
Cardio Barre for practicing at home
To do body-ballet and at home. Instead of a bench use a chair, table, windowsill, or wall bars. You can also buy choreographic machine for home use: wall or floor. It is desirable to do in front of a mirror to monitor the correct execution of the exercises.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Exercise 8
Exercise 9
Exercise 10
For gifs thank you youtube channel SummerGirl Fitness.
Cardio Barre: 6 videos for practicing at home
Many effective video-on-body ballet can be found on youtube. We offer you the top-6 quality of training from different instructors both in Russian and in English:
See also:
- VIDEO from SummerGirl Fitness: barnie workout
- VIDEOS with Tracy mallet (including body ballet)
1. Cardio Barre: a workout for the whole body (30 minutes)
2. Body ballet exercise at the Barre (15 minutes)
3. Body Ballet for the perfect legs and butt (20 minutes)
See also in this series: 14 exercises for buttocks and thighs from Linda Wooldridge.
4. Body Ballet “Super legs” (50 minutes)
5. Body Ballet for the perfect legs and buttocks (9 min)
6. Body Ballet for beginners (8 minutes)
Your dreams of a ballet figure can become a reality. Now everyone can do ballet, regardless of age and abilities. Regular classes of body ballet will help you get the right posture, slender body, beautiful muscles of the legs and a great stretch.
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