Cancer-Causing Foods: An Oncologist’s Commentary

Cancer-Causing Foods: An Oncologist’s Commentary

Everyone knows about the risk of getting seriously ill if you eat fast food, however, some so-called healthy foods can turn out to be real carcinogens, but fortunately, they can be replaced with really healthy foods.

Carbonated drinks are not only loaded with sugar, which gives energy to cancer cells, but often contain caramel coloring, which contains the carcinogenic element 4-MEI. Laboratory tests show 4-MEI is found in caramel-colored soda.

Than to replace: plain water is best, but if you can’t live without sugary drinks, at least choose brands that are natural rather than caramel.

Although the crispy crust on the steak is delicious, the high temperatures during cooking create carcinogenic carbohydrates. And in general, excessive consumption of red meat increases the risk of disease.

Than to replace: do not get carried away with red meat, cook it carefully and, if possible, purchase meat from producer farmers.

There are three dangers here: Frequently used flavors release the well-known toxin diacetyl during cooking; the acid that covers the walls of the bags is carcinogenic in itself; and finally, popcorn producers are not required to report whether the corn is genetically modified or not.

Than to replace: buy organic corn and cook it in an air device or on your stove, advises

4. Canned food in cans, especially tomatoes

Such canned food is dangerous because the surface of cans is coated with bisphenol A, which, due to its structural similarity with the female sex hormone estrogen, has a negative effect on the brain and reproductive system, and also causes a number of cancers (both in women and men ). Canned tomatoes are especially dangerous because their acidity causes BPA to enter food. Tomatoes themselves are a very healthy product, all the harm is in the package.

Than to replace: eat fresh or frozen foods or tomatoes in glass jars.

Vegetable oils are not obtained naturally, but through a chemical process. Then more chemicals are added to provide the desired look and texture, resulting in extremely high levels of dangerous omega-6 fats.

Than to replace: olive or soybean oil, which are obtained without the use of chemicals.

While sea-caught salmon are one of the healthiest sources of protein, farmed salmon are fed an unnatural diet from chemicals, pesticides and antibiotics. Such fish is also more fatty and therefore more harmful substances are retained in its body.

Than to replace: salmon, caught in the sea, or food additives, including refined fish oil.

Most sugar substitutes are made through a chemical process and there is not enough evidence to suggest that they are truly safe. Some researchers believe they lead to the release of the toxin diketopiperazine in the body, which can cause brain tumors.

Than to replace: if you can’t do without sweeteners, use natural honey-based stevia. Some recipes use applesauce to add sweetness.

The refining process destroys all the nutritional value of the original flour. Worse, the flour is then clarified with chlorine to obtain an attractive white color. White flour is a carbohydrate that breaks down into simple sugar, the favorite fuel of cancer.

Than to replace: Choose unbleached whole grain flour for your own baked goods, and read labels carefully to determine how much white flour contains in prepackaged foods.

9. Fruits and vegetables grown using chemicals

By themselves, fruits and vegetables are extremely beneficial, but pesticides sprayed on them are sheer harm. For example, altrazine was banned in Europe because of its serious illness, but it is still widely used in the United States.

Than to replace: buy organic vegetables and fruits and wash them thoroughly before eating. But not all.

This includes bacon, sausages, sausage and other gastronomy. During the processing of meat, huge amounts of salt are added to it, as well as hazardous chemicals, especially nitrates and nitrites. These additives are supposed to give the product an appetizing appearance and ensure a long shelf life, but they pose a great health risk.

Than to replace: Eat mostly fresh, organic meats and choose minimally processed meats that do not contain preservatives.

Chips are harmful for a number of reasons. First, they are fried in trans fats. Secondly, they are stuffed with salt. They also contain preservatives and artificial colors.

Than to replace: breadcrumbs, bagels or chips from apples and bananas.

12. Genetically modified foods

There is a fierce debate over the safety of such products. Giant food manufacturers love them because they have been modified to last longer, be easy to transport and be pest resistant. However, very little safety testing was done before these products hit the shelves, and we have no idea of ​​the possible long-term health effects.

Than to replace: environmentally friendly products; prepackaged food, the packaging of which indicates that it is not GMO.

Research by the National Cancer Institute has shown a link between alcohol consumption and cancers of the brain, neck, liver, breast, and colon.

Than to replace: if you are not yet ready to give up alcohol completely, reduce its consumption to a safe minimum – no more than 3 drinks per evening for a woman and 4 drinks for a man, while a woman should not drink more than 7 drinks a week, and a man – 14.

The most harmful in this category is fructose corn syrup, which is found in a wide variety of foods and drinks. For example, you will find 15 teaspoons of syrup in one bottle of soda, and as we know, cancer cells love sugar.

Than to replace: always go through the ingredient list before making a purchase and the amount of sugar will amaze you. Eat sweet fruit instead of candy.

Margarine was supposed to be a healthier alternative to butter, but it is made from hydrogenated vegetable oils and is full of trans fats. Recent studies have shown that trans fats are much more dangerous than saturated fats found in oil.

Than to replace: don’t get too carried away with butter, but prefer it over margarine. The bread can also be brushed with olive oil.

This is a real blow to those who think they are wise to buy so-called diet foods, which are in fact often loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners to replace the eliminated fat. They can also contain a variety of chemicals that are designed to make you addicted and turn you into a regular customer.

Than to replace: Eat regular fresh, not prepackaged diet foods.

These potatoes are delicious, but they are cooked in trans fats and richly salted, which makes them dangerous to health. Foods heated to such high temperatures also release acrylamide, a known carcinogen found in cigarette smoke.

Than to replace: potatoes baked with spices and olive oil are no less tasty and much healthier.

Chief Physician-Oncologist of the European Clinic of Surgery and Oncology

What then is left to eat? It must be understood that certain compounds, theoretically capable of leading to oncology, are contained in a huge number of products. Even those who are emotionally perceived as completely harmless.

Therefore, there is no need to urge to categorically refuse the same sausages or soda. Excessive use of them can lead to an increased risk of developing a certain type of tumor. But in order to assert this confidently, it is necessary to conduct targeted research on two groups of volunteers (one of them has to be fed with these products for fifteen years, the other should not be fed). Of course, grilled meat is not the most healthy story, as well as cans, if it is proven that they contain bisphenol A. Consumption of all this, of course, should be limited, but you should not panic.

1 Comment

  1. Rahmat! O’zim uchun kerakli bo’lgan juda ko’p ma’lumotlarga ega bo’ldim

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