Signs of anxiety: How not to give yourself away
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Agree, few people want others to notice our excitement.
A first date, an important meeting, a responsible event or even a toast at a family celebration – in all these situations, you want to remain calm and confident. Let’s find out how to deal with the most obvious signs of stress!
Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot …
Oddly enough, one of the unexpected, but very noticeable signs of excitement can be the most common hiccups. While hiccups do not pose any health risks, they can of course seriously interfere with a public speech or important conversation.
The mechanism behind the onset of hiccups in emotionally stressful situations is very simple. In moments of stress, fright or nervous tension, all body systems are activated, including the muscles of the diaphragm. It is the involuntary contraction of these muscles that interrupts the normal breathing process and provokes unpleasant hiccups.
Coping with stress-induced hiccups is easy enough with special breathing exercises. To do this, you need to take 10-15 quick shallow breaths to change the rhythm of the respiratory process. Then take a deep breath in a standing position and sit down sharply with a tilt forward, without exhaling air.
If breathing exercises did not help, you can try to eat a spoonful of granulated sugar without drinking it with water. The sugar granules are thought to irritate the walls of the esophagus, stimulate the diaphragm, and can stop its involuntary contraction.
Apchhi! Be healthy! Ah-ah-ah-huh!
Sneezing is another sign of stress that can suddenly attack the body at the most inopportune moment. The unrestrained desire to sneeze from the heart is due to the fact that in moments of excitement, the blood vessels in the human body (including the nose) expand, and the body tries to stop this process with the help of a sharp reflex muscle contraction.
This mechanism can cause unpleasant small tremors in the body, make the hands tremble and, in particular, provoke small and frequent sneezing. As a rule, such sneezing does not require the use of any special means and goes away on its own as soon as the pressure in the blood vessels returns to normal.
However, if for some reason it is very important to prevent sneezing in principle, then proven folk methods can come to the rescue. First of all, you need to rub the bridge of the nose or the area under the nose strongly. Or make several frequent, sharp short breaths through the nose to “trick” the body and make it think that you have already sneezed.
The so-called sucking in the spoon – mild nausea and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, cramps and colic, bloating, bubbling and even mild stool disturbances (diarrhea, constipation, or their alternation) – this is perhaps one of the most unpleasant symptoms of stress. Experts call this condition IBS – irritable bowel syndrome.
As a rule, IBS is not associated with any pathology of internal organs and is a natural physiological response of the body to stress. However, if such symptoms occur quite often and are not always triggered by stress, of course, it is better to visit a specialist doctor once again and make sure that it is IBS that is behind them!
To successfully defeat irritable bowel syndrome, it is important to choose a comprehensive remedy, and not try to get rid of each symptom separately. An excellent example of such a remedy is the selective (that is, working exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract) and complex antispasmodic Neobutin®.
Neobutin® is specially formulated to combat not only the symptoms, but also the cause of IBS. With a single dose, it is able to get rid of the main manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome in just 20 minutes, and with a course dose – to normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing recurrence of IBS.
In addition, it is very important that