Can develop without symptoms: all about the disease that Valentin Yudashkin fights

The oncologist gives advice on how not to miss a dangerous disease.

The news that the world famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin has been fighting cancer for several years has recently thundered in the media. According to the couturier, he always tried to be attentive to his health and underwent preventive examinations every year. In 2016, Valentin was unable to pass another check – just when the results would have shown the presence of cancer. How not to miss cancer? Maxim Astrakhantsev, an oncologist-chemotherapist of the federal network of expert oncology clinics “Euroonco”, answered this question in detail, and also spoke about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating the disease.

Doctor-oncologist-chemotherapist of the federal network of expert oncology clinics “Euroonco”

The reasons for the development of oncological diseases

The development of any tumor is based on damage to the DNA structure and, as a result, the appearance of atypical cells. Hundreds of factors affect every person every day. Their influence can change the DNA of cells, as a result of which they go out of control of the body. Having accumulated a critical amount of damage, the cells become malignant, that is, they acquire features that are not typical for healthy structures. 

What exactly influences these changes? The exact cause cannot be determined. But for the majority of oncological pathologies, a combination of several factors becomes a prerequisite:

  • Bad habits. For example, alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which has a destructive effect on the cells in the body. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to cirrhosis, and this often causes the development of malignant neoplasms in the liver. Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, beryllium, nickel, and a number of other hazardous chemicals that can also contribute to cell pathological changes.

  • Chronic diseases Against the background of a decrease in immunity, which is observed in many chronic diseases, the anticancer defense is weakened. The altered cells divide and form pathological foci. Some diseases directly affect the likelihood of developing cancer. Viral hepatitis is accompanied by active cell growth, which increases the risk of developing liver carcinoma.

  • Sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity makes the body less sensitive and can lead to obesity, which increases the likelihood of developing cancer. A sedentary lifestyle also badly affects the body’s ability to resist infections, inflammatory processes, the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms.

  • Ecological situation. We are talking about both exposure to a polluted environment and work in hazardous industries associated with radiation, dust or inhalation of chemicals. 

  • Stress. By itself, cancer does not cause psychological stress, but during constant nervous shocks, immunity is greatly reduced. During this period, the body is actively producing the hormone cortisol, a large amount of which weakens the body’s ability to destroy abnormal cells.

  • Age. This is a key factor in the development of oncological pathologies. As you age, there are more potential risks and bad habits. The average age of patients at the time of cancer diagnosis is 66 years.

Signs of pathology

For a long time, cancer can develop without symptoms, but this is not always the case. Conditionally, the “signals” of the disease can be divided into two groups. The first are indirect signs indicating possible disturbances in the functioning of the body, including the development of a tumor process. For example, weight loss for no reason, lack of appetite и increased fatigue even from the usual and simple actions. It is impossible to draw clear conclusions on the basis of such symptoms, since they can indicate different diseases. 

The second group includes specific signs that may indicate the localization of the tumor process. For example, headache, numbness in specific areas of the body, confusion of speech, and poor coordination are often symptoms malignant neoplasm in the brain… Symptoms such as lack of appetite, nausea, weight loss и stomach ache may indicate the development of a tumor process in this organ or pancreas.

If you notice suspicious changes in your condition, we recommend that you do not delay going to the doctor, since it is timely diagnosis that determines the outcome of the disease.

Cancer Prevention

1. Annual preventive examinations within the framework of clinical examination… The task of such a medical examination is to detect diseases that a person may not be aware of. 

The clinical examination program includes general blood and urine tests, fluorography and chest X-ray, as well as ultrasound of the abdominal organs. After 30 years of age, an annual visit to a gynecologist and mammologist is mandatory for women, and a urologist for men. After 40 years, it is necessary to additionally undergo gastroscopy and colonoscopy. The complex of these examinations makes it possible to detect the majority of malignant tumors at an early stage.

2. Equally important Lifestyle… Exercise at least a little regularly and walk in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes a day.

3. Keep your own weight within normal limits body mass index, adhere to the principles of good nutrition.

4. Give up bad habits.

5. Avoid stressful situations. 

Ways to combat pathology

Accepting a cancer diagnosis is not easy, but it is important to remember that a good oncologist will be your guide to your health. In addition, medicine is developing rapidly, if the tumor process can be detected at an early stage, the probability of remission is more than 95%. 

The main treatments for cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Also in the arsenal of doctors in recent years, such techniques as targeted and immune therapy have appeared. Targeted drugs block the action of certain proteins required for tumor growth, thereby slowing or stopping tumor growth. Immunotherapy helps the patient fight cancer cells by creating his own “vaccine” against abnormal cells. In addition to developing new methods, scientists pay great attention to improving existing ones.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, to achieve the best result in treatment, a combined approach is used, that is, a combination of several techniques.

Useful information about different types of oncology:

  1. Why ovarian cancer is dangerous and how it can be cured, look here;

  2. All about the causes, symptoms and prevention of lung cancer – here;

  3. Everything you need to know about thyroid cancer is here;

  4. Why an armpit compaction is a dangerous symptom for women – here;

  5. When to show birthmarks to a doctor – here.


1. Maxim Astrakhantsev, oncologist-chemotherapist of the federal network of expert oncology clinics “Euroonko”.

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