Caesarean section surgery: what you need to know? Video
Childbirth does not always take place naturally, and very often the baby is removed from the mother’s body by surgery. There is a list of reasons for a caesarean section. If desired, the operation cannot be performed, and only a qualified specialist in a hospital environment has the right to carry it out.
Caesarean section operation
Caesarean sections are performed when a natural delivery is a threat to the life of the mother or baby.
Absolute readings include:
- structural features of the body in which the fetus cannot pass through the birth canal on its own
- uterine fibroids
- genital tumors
- deformities of the pelvic bones
- thickness of the uterus less than 3 mm
- the threat of rupture of the uterus along the scar
- complete placenta previa or abruption
Relative indications are not so imperative. They mean that vaginal delivery is not contraindicated, but carries a high risk.
The question of using the operation in this case is decided individually, taking into account all contraindications and a thorough study of the patient’s history
Among them are:
- mother’s heart defect
- lack of a kidney in a woman in labor
- the presence of high myopia
- hypertension or hypoxia
- cancer of any location
- gestosis
- transverse position or breech presentation of the fetus
- weakness of labor
An emergency caesarean section is prescribed if, during a natural birth, difficulties arose that threaten the life of the mother and child, the threat of rupture of the uterus along the scar, the inability to remove the child without injury, sudden placental abruption and other factors.
Preparing for a caesarean section
Childbirth with the help of surgery is carried out, as a rule, according to the plan, but there are also emergency cases, then everything happens without preliminary preparation of the pregnant woman. The surgeon must obtain prior written consent from the woman in labor for the operation. In the same document, the type of anesthesia and possible complications are prescribed. Then preparation for delivery begins in a hospital setting.
The day before the operation, you should limit the intake of carbohydrates and fats, it is enough to dine with broth and eat a lean piece of meat for dinner
At 18 o’clock it is allowed to drink kefir or tea.
Before going to bed, you need to take a hygienic shower. Getting a good night’s sleep is important, which is why doctors often offer a sedative themselves. A cleansing enema is performed 2 hours before the operation. In order to prevent deep vein thrombosis, the post midwife bandages the woman’s legs with an elastic bandage and takes her to the operating room on a gurney.
It is necessary to purchase in advance drinking water with a volume of no more than 1 liter and 2 elastic bandages with a length of at least 2,5 m each. It is more practical to pack the baby’s things in a large tight bag and sign it
Caesarean section operation
On the day of the intervention, the woman has her pubic and lower abdominal hair shaved. Resuscitation nurses install an IV system and an IV line. A catheter is inserted into the vurethra to make the bladder smaller and less vulnerable. The cuff of a blood pressure monitor is usually placed on the arm.
If the patient opts for an epidural, a catheter is placed on her back. It is a painless procedure that takes place with little or no consequence. In the case when general anesthesia is selected, a mask is applied to the face and wait for the medicine to work. There are contraindications for each type of anesthesia, which are explained in detail by the anesthesiologist before the operation.
Do not be afraid of surgery. Rebirths after a caesarean section are often natural
A small screen is installed at the level of the chest so that the woman cannot see the process. The obstetrician-gynecologist is assisted by assistants, and specialists from the pediatric department are nearby to receive the child at any time. In some institutions, a close relative may be present at the operation, but this must be agreed in advance with the management.
It is advisable for the relatives of the woman in labor to donate blood at the transfusion station in case of complications during the operation.
If the baby is born healthy, it is immediately applied to the mother’s breast and then taken to the children’s ward. At this moment, the woman is told his data: weight, height and health status on the Apgar scale. In an emergency operation, this is reported later, when the woman in labor departs from general anesthesia in the intensive care unit. Already on the first day, a woman is recommended to try to get out of bed and invite her to take a few steps. Prescribed with a successful outcome of childbirth on the 9-10th day.
How to lose weight after a cesarean section
In the first days after the operation, it is important to restore bowel function, therefore, dietary food is allowed. You can not eat fatty, sweet, carbohydrates. Allowed to drink water in an amount of at least 2,5 liters per day. On the third day, they give low-fat chicken or veal broth with croutons, mashed potatoes in water, sweet tea without milk.
Within a week, you can eat white chicken meat, boiled fish, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. It is worth excluding white bread, soda, coffee, pork and butter, and rice from the menu. This diet should be followed in the future in order to restore the desired weight and gain a slim figure.
Caesarean section operation
Exercise can only be done with the permission of a doctor and no earlier than two months after the caesarean section. Active dances, fitball exercises, exercises are allowed.
Only six months after giving birth, you can engage in sports such as swimming, aerobics, jogging, as well as cycling, ice skating and abs.
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