The possibility of buying your medicines online appeals to you, but you are still hesitant to do so. You are afraid of stumbling upon unscrupulous sites that sell counterfeit products.
To find out if it is a good or a bad idea, we will try to enlighten you on the advantages but also on the pitfalls to avoid when making this type of purchase on the internet.

What the law says ?
French legislation
Since January 2, 2013, in France, the sale of medicines on the internet has been strictly regulated. Only pharmacies that have received authorization from the Regional Health Agency (ARS) on which they depend can create their site and sell on the internet. If you want to know the list of authorized pharmacies, click here.
Only non-prescription drugs, not subject to compulsory prescription, and parapharmacy products can be sold online. But beware, some foreign sites bypass French law. We must therefore be particularly vigilant.
The site must obligatorily mention various information. You must find the identification of the pharmacist (company name, surname, first name, address, telephone number), his license number, links to the websites of the National Order of Pharmacists, the Ministry of Health and of the National Medicines Safety Agency.
Since July 1, 2015, a specific logo must be visible on each page of the site.
This logo is common to all the Member States of the European Union. With regard to our country, you must find the French flag there and the mention “click to verify the legality of this site” (2).
What are, for you, the advantages of ordering on the internet?
- It is convenient. If, for various reasons, you cannot move around (you are an elderly person, you are in a wheelchair, you work a lot…), having the possibility of ordering from home is a plus. Whether you live in the city or in the countryside, you don’t have to go out to a pharmacy.
- You just have to anticipate your needs while waiting for delivery. In the countryside, this is even truer because, very often, it is necessary to take your car to go to your pharmacist located several kilometers from your home.
We note that more and more pharmacies are closing, especially in rural areas, and that, in these regions, you are faced not only with a lack of doctors but also of pharmacies. On the internet, you connect 24 hours a day, there are no closing constraints.
- It’s simple and easy to access. You select the non-prescription online pharmacy of your choice from the list cited above. You quickly access its website. With just a few clicks, you can order the medicines you need. You can access customer service when needed.
- It is usually cheaper. As with any product, competition between different online sites exists. You can compare prices and save money. You will certainly find your medicines at a better price than direct.
- It’s confidential and secure. The data, like the information sheet that you have to fill out, remain confidential, your orders too. The website must be hosted by an organization authorized to receive health data. For the official list of authorized hosts, go to the website of the Ministry of Health.
What are the dangers and pitfalls you should avoid?
- Counterfeits : some virtual pharmacies do not hesitate to sell counterfeit products by hiding their real identity and by imitating the logos of authorized pharmacies. These counterfeits represent a real danger for your health. These medicines whose active principle is often wrongly dosed can cause complications, side effects or worse still, worsen your state of health.
In order not to fall into the trap, check if the online pharmacy is on the official list and if the drugs you buy are part of the products authorized for sale on the internet. Beware of too tempting prices and systematically reject spam from your mailbox.
- The trivialization of self-medication : the use of drugs even without a prescription is not without risk (wrong dosage, product that does not correspond to your pathology, drug interaction). Several rules must be observed.
1- It is not recommended for fragile people (infants and children, pregnant women). If you have a chronic disease, the different molecules in your treatment can interact with those you are taking for self-medication and cause a dangerous cocktail.
2- Read the instructions carefully.
3- Ask your pharmacist for advice.
4- As we often hear in commercials “if symptoms persist, consult your doctor. If, after 5 days, you do not notice any improvement in your condition, your doctor’s advice is required.
Ordering drugs online can be a good idea if you take the right precautions. Never buy from foreign sites that promise you wonders. In terms of health, extreme vigilance is required. No medication should be taken lightly. If in doubt, always seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.
(1) Ministry of Solidarity and Health
(2) National Order of Pharmacists