Love short energetic workout? Then try lesson series Burn to the Beat that was created to improve your shape, tone all the major muscle groups and to rid the body of excess fat.
General description of the program Burn to the Beat
Burn to the Beat – a series of short fitness workouts for the entire body from the coach Kiera lashe (Keaira LaShae). Kira is a well-known fitness blogger and part-time singer, songwriter, dancer and choreographer. For a long time she collaborated with the portal of online workouts DailyBurn, but now has developed its own draft Move. Her youtube channel has about 500 thousand subscribers and over 40 million views.
Together with the BeFit channel Kiera lashe has created a series of effective lessons Burn to the Beat. These explosive exercises will help you to transform the shape, burn fat, reduce the volume. Program Burn to the Beat that held the fiery rhythmic music, include standard exercises and simple choreography of Brazilian and Latin dances. Energetic and relaxed exercise will give you a good mood and will help to improve the body.
Despite the dance bias Burn to the Beat – this is primarily a fitness program, so get ready to exercise to create flat stomach, toned arms and shapely legs. Usual HIIT-load is successfully combined with modern dance choreography. All classes are held in the interval mode, so you can burn maximum calories and fat in a short time. Kira is very cheerful and positive leads of the program, constantly encouraging and setting the stage for you.
In the series Burn to the Beat came in 12 workouts of 10-15 minutes. They will not take you much time but will allow you to burn an additional 150-250 calories. You can also join a few classes one half-hour or hour program. Or add this short program in your main fitness plan. Videoframerate from Kira Lasha suitable for intermediate level and above. At the core of the class lies cardio-load.
All programs from Burn to the Beat
So, in the series Burn to the Beat includes 4 standard fitness training and 7 training with a dance twist. They are very effective for weight reduction and achieving a beautiful toned figure.
Fitness workout Burn to the Beat (10 minutes)
1. Cardio Fitness Party
Circular interval cardio training. Includes the following exercises: jump squats, high knees, burpee, lateral jacks, pull-down crunches etc.
2. Cardio Body Sculpt
Interval program that includes aerobic and functional exercises for the entire body: squat, burpee with jump, push-up, skater, bear plank squat, extend opposite leg/arms, mountain climbers, jump tucks, etc.
3. Cardio Dance Workout with Weights
Cardio workout with dumbbells for muscle tone. Includes the following exercises: punch, jump squat, lunges, overhead press, biceps/squat combo, etc.
4. Cardio Dance Abs
Aerobic sessions with an emphasis on abdominal muscles, and bark. All exercises are performed in a vertical position: ab twists, side crunches, pump squats, hip rolls, side knee crunches, torso twists, body rolls, etc.
Dance workout Burn to the Beat (10 minutes)
1. Body Toning Afro Beat
Dance videothreesome’s low impact with a sharp rhythmic movements under the African drums.
2. Latin Fat Burn Sizzle
This lesson is based on the choreography of Latin America dances. Includes many movements of the hips, body and shoulders.
3. Brazilian Booty Burn
Dance program for a beautiful butt. Throughout the lessons you will actively work the gluteal muscles by performing elements of Brazilian dances.
Dance workout: a series of Dance Intervals (15 minutes)
1. Booty Pop Cardio
Another lesson with a focus on the lower body, but more intense. In this video, will actively work not only your buttocks, but the thigh.
2. Hip Hop Cardio
Intense workout based on movements from hip-hop and modern R-n-bi. You will find very speed and impact exercises for all 15 minutes.
3. African Dance Cardio
Incendiary African dances with a sharp energetic movements which include the muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body.
4. Reggaeton Dance Workout
Videothreesome based on reggaeton – Latin American dance that combines a choreography of reggae, danchall and hip-hop.
Stretching (10 minutes)
1. Dance Cool-Down & Flexibility Exercises
Hitch and stretching after intense exercise. You consistently will relax all muscles from upper to lower body.
Fun, energetic, and very effective workout Burn to the Beat will improve your shape and burn fat, and as a bonus will develop the plasticity and dance. With programs from Kira Lasha you will be engaged not only productively but also with great pleasure.
See also: Country Heat: dance you can lose weight with Autumn Calabrese.