Burbot is a predatory fish that belongs to the cod family and is the only freshwater representative. It has a high industrial value and is popular with many amateur anglers. To successfully catch this fish, you need to know a lot about its habits and behavior, about the spawning of burbot and food preferences in a particular region.
Burbot represents the genus of the same name, the class of ray-finned fish, and the cod family. This family appeared on our planet many millions of years ago. The peculiarity of burbot is that it is considered the only freshwater fish of this family.
Besides, this is the only fish in our reservoirs, which shows its main activity in winter. It is an object of both sports and amateur fishing. Also, it is of commercial interest.
Almost all domestic experts agree that the genus of burbot belongs to the family “Lotidae Bonaparte,” but scientists have not come to an unambiguous conclusion concerning their diversity. Some scientists identify only a couple of subspecies. For example:
Common burbot (Lota lota lota) is considered a classic representative of water bodies in Europe and Asia, including the Lena river.
Thin-tailed burbot (Lota lota leptura), which inhabits water bodies of Siberia, from the Kara River to the waters of the Bering Strait, and including the Arctic coast of Alaska and up to the Mackenzie River.

The subspecies “Lota lota maculosa,” which is considered controversial, lives in North America. The external appearance of burbots and their way of life testifies that the fish has not undergone any serious changes since the time of the Ice Age.
Burbot is a freshwater fish of the Cod family. The color of the fish is from grayish to greenish; it is tough to confuse this fish with other freshwater ones. Burbot can be recognized by its elongated body, which tapers towards the tail. The head of this fish is wide and flattened, on the chin of which you can see an unpaired antenna.
The burbot is the only cod fish that has changed its permanent habitat from the sea to freshwater rivers and lakes. This fish is distinguished by its independent character. Traditional inhabitants of fresh water bodies lead an active lifestyle in the summer, and burbot prefers cool waters in autumn and winter.
Composition and calorie content
Burbot contains a significant amount of essential fat-soluble vitamins – B vitamins, as well as A, C, D and E. In addition, this fish is rich in useful elements – iodine, copper, manganese and zinc.
Just like chicken meat, burbot can be called one of the best natural sources of protein, which contains a significant amount of essential amino acids necessary for the human body.
The calorie content is 81 kcal per 100 grams.
Burbot health benefits
The most valuable product in burbot is its liver, which contains about sixty percent fat with healing properties. Of course, not only liver, but also meat is appreciated in this fish. If you eat burbot dishes regularly, over time you can get rid of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Burbot also has a positive effect on human intelligence. Scientists have already shown that people who include much fish in their diet from an early age have good mental abilities. Eating fish increases the speech and visual-spatial abilities of a person by about six percent. Besides, Swedish scientists are confident that the use of fish dishes increases mental abilities approximately two times. Therefore, it is best to eat burbot dishes at least once a week.
Burbot is of great benefit to pregnant women as well. It has a positive effect on the visual acuity of the future baby and contributes to the faster maturation of the brain – scientists from the University of Bristol discovered this pattern.
Besides, it turned out that the fatty acids that make up the burbot have a positive effect on the development and growth of the nerve cells of the unborn child. For this reason, many reputable doctors and scientists recommend adding a small amount of fish oil to formulas intended for artificial feeding.
Burbot Harms and contraindications
The only problem is the personal intolerance of the body, although there are very few such people. Eating fish dishes every day, a person regularly replenishes his body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Thanks to this, the functions of many organs, including the central nervous system, are normalized in the body.
This fish is contraindicated in the case of an allergic reaction to fish and the presence of kidney and gall bladder stones, hypercalcemia, and increased content of vitamin D in the body.

If you eat burbot meat in one form or another on a regular basis, you can cure some skin and ophthalmological diseases, as well as increase your immunity.

Burbot is a fairly valuable commercial fish since its meat is quite tasty, sweetish, and tender. The meat of this predator distinguishes by the fact that after freezing or even short storage, it can quickly lose its taste. It is especially worth noting the liver of the burbot, which is rather large in size and has an incredible taste and the presence of a whole set of useful components.
Burbot meat, like the meat of other representatives of the underwater world, has a low-fat content. Therefore it is suitable for preparing various dietary dishes. This is especially true for those who have extra pounds and need to lose them urgently. Dishes of burbot, and especially boiled ones, are useful for any category of citizens.
Burbot in sour cream sauce with mushrooms

Burbot is a delicious and nutritious fish. The meat of the burbot is white, lean with a dense and elastic structure without small bones.
Sour cream sauce with mushrooms gives the fish juiciness, tenderness, and unique aroma.
Instead of burbot, you can cook cod, hake, haddock, pollock.
- Burbot-800g. (I have a carcass).
- Flour for breading.
- Salt.
- Vegetable oil.
- Freshly ground pepper.
- For the sauce:
Sour cream 15% -300g.
Cold, boiled water – 100ml.
Bow-2pcs (medium size).
Flour-1 tbsp.
Burbot Cooking method
- We clean the fish of scales and viscera, remove the black film from the abdomen.
Then wash and dry with a paper towel.
Cut the fish into 2cm thick steaks—season with pepper and salt to taste. - We bread the steaks in flour on both sides.
- Fry the fish in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, first from one side until golden brown.
- Then on the other. Put the fried fish in a bowl and cover with a lid.
- Prepare the sauce: Wash the champignons, dry them and cut into large pieces.
- Peel the onion, wash and cut into cubes. Fry the onions in vegetable oil until soft.
- Add mushrooms to the onion, mix and fry until the liquid evaporates completely. Salt to taste.
- Using a whisk or a fork, mix the sour cream with flour until smooth.
- Add sour cream with flour to the fried mushrooms, and then pour water. Stir and cook over medium heat with constant stirring until thickened—season with pepper and salt to taste.
- Put the fried fish pieces into a sour cream sauce with mushrooms. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.
If desired, you can bake in the oven.
Delicate mashed potatoes, crumbly rice, or spaghetti are perfect as a side dish.
Serve burbot in sour cream sauce with mushrooms and finely chopped herbs.
Upstairs, Schindler informs the drunken Goeth that real power is refraining from eliminating a person when you have every factor to do it.
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