
Advertising bromelain, as a means to lose weight, at one time covered all the media. After some research, it turned out that bromelain is not a panacea in the fight against excess weight and does not always help from this.

Despite this, bromelain has found its place among the beneficial substances that help our body. Today, bromelain is used in the medical and food industries, traditional medicine and sports for a wide variety of purposes.

Bromelain rich foods:

General characteristics of bromelain

Bromelain is a plant-derived catalytic enzyme found in plants of the bromeliad family. Another name for bromelain is “pineapple extract”, which it received from its main source – the exotic fruit pineapple.

Bromelain is found in the heart of the fruit and also in the stems and leaves of pineapple. The substance is a brownish powder. There are two types – pineapple stem bromelain (stem bromelain) and fruit bromelain (fruit bromelain).

Bromelain is used in pharmaceuticals. In pharmacies, it can be found in capsule and pill form. Used for the production of dietary supplements, used in sports nutrition. In industry, bromelain is used to soften meat products. Most often it is used for the production of smoked meat.

Daily requirement for bromelain

Bromelain is not a vital substance for our body. If necessary, an adult is recommended to take from 80 to 320 mg 2 times a day.

Supplementation of bromelain should be regulated depending on the result that needs to be obtained and on which body systems to act.

The need for bromelain is increasing:

  • overeating, low production of digestive enzymes;
  • for injuries: sprain, fracture, rupture, dislocation (relieves swelling of soft tissues and inflammation);
  • in case of oncological diseases (to slow down the growth of tumors), as well as for their prevention of neoplasms;
  • arthritis (while taking a routine);
  • with excess weight associated with low production of the enzyme pepsin and metabolic disorders;
  • with an increased level of platelets in the blood (used for vascular hardening);
  • with reduced immunity;
  • with skin diseases (urticaria, acne);
  • with asthma;
  • with some viral diseases.

The need for bromelain is decreasing:

  • with high blood pressure (contraindicated);
  • with high cholesterol levels;
  • contraindicated in people with pre-infarction and pre-stroke conditions;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in young children;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with liver diseases;
  • with individual intolerance to the substance.

Digestibility of bromelain

Bromelain is best absorbed on an empty stomach. Like any enzyme, it is perfectly absorbed in the intestine, and through its walls it enters the bloodstream. According to some reports, soy and potatoes contain substances that can reduce the absorption of bromelain by the body.

Studies have shown that bromelain is absorbed up to 40% within six to nine hours. At elevated temperatures, bromelain is destroyed, at low temperatures, its activity decreases.

Useful properties of bromelain and its effect on the body

Bromelain is an enzyme that works like trypsin and pepsin (enzymes in stomach acid). It breaks down proteins, which allows them to be better absorbed in the stomach and intestines.

Bromelain helps to improve the digestion process. With a decrease in the secretion of pancreatic enzymes or overeating, bromelain has a stimulating effect.

It should be noted that bromelain does not significantly affect the breakdown of fat cells. However, there are quite tangible benefits from it. Bromelain, as an enzyme, has a complex effect on the body, stimulating the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, and affects metabolic processes. Improves the functioning of the circulatory system, immune system, etc.

Athletes take bromelain for faster recovery from injury. Sprains, tissue tears, joint injuries – bromelain helps to recover faster, reduces pain and relieves inflammation.

Also, athletes use it to build muscle quickly. Bromelain helps reduce body fat only with regular exercise. It has proven itself in the fight against obesity with a low production of the enzyme pepsin.

The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of bromelain help fight arthritis and asthma. Bromelain helps to increase immunity, the body’s recovery processes.

It is used to reduce the growth rate of malignant tumors. It is also used for preventive purposes, if there are no contraindications for this.

Interaction with other elements:

Bromelain reacts with proteins to help break them down. Participates in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.

Signs of excess bromelain in the body

Cases when there is too much bromelain in the body are very rare. If this happens, the signs may include:

  • nausea;
  • pressure increase;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • increased bleeding during menstruation.

Signs of a lack of bromelain in the body

Since bromelain is not an indispensable substance in our body, no signs of its deficiency have been identified.

Factors affecting the amount of bromelain in the body

With food, the human body receives the required amount of this substance. In case of certain violations, it is possible to compensate for the lack of a substance with the help of concentrates, dietary supplements and medications.

Bromelain for beauty and health

The complex effect of the enzyme bromelain on the body contributes to its strengthening and rejuvenation. Bromelain has beneficial effects on skin and hair.

Bromelain helps to heal wounds on the face, relieves swelling and inflammation, and stimulates the restoration of the skin. Fruit acids and the antibacterial action of bromelain help in the care of oily skin.

In addition, the substance is used by athletes to build muscle mass. This requires a protein diet and active physical activity.

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1 Comment

  1. Titlul este”Alimente bogate in bromelaina” dar nu ați enumerat nici un aliment in afara de ananas.

    Se pare că sub titlul “nevoia de bromelaina scade” va referiți la contraindicații. Nu e același lucru !

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