The bream is recognized as the most common peaceful fish from the carp family; if desired, you can find it in a variety of water bodies, both in the southern part and in the north of our country and beyond. Anglers with experience include individuals from 1,5 kg or more to trophy specimens, but they come across less and less. Many people are interested in how the bream grows, we will compare the dimensions and weight according to the information received.
Distribution area
Before you find out how much a bream weighs at different ages, you need to understand where its registration is, what reservoirs it likes and what gear it is preferable to catch. But first things first, and so let’s start with the places of residence.
You can find this representative of cyprinids in many rivers and lakes, and he will not disdain sea bays. Scientists call natural areas of distribution the basins of such seas:
- Black;
- Baltic;
- Caspian;
- Northern.
Here, even our ancient ancestors caught bream of a weighty size on the most primitive gear today. Such a fishery was also developed in the lakes of Karelia, in the North-West and in the Central part of our country. But in the reservoirs of the Urals and Western Siberia, the ichthyoga was brought by force, for a long time it was bred artificially, as a result, now there are plenty of bream in these regions, and you can often meet a real giant. He is a frequent trophy on the hook among fishermen on the Iset and Tobol, but the sea waters do not frighten him at all.
The bream is considered quite voracious, it will actively eat fat in the post-spawning period and before freezing, in the summer its appetites decrease slightly, but not always and not everywhere.
Habitat has a strong influence on the characteristics of the diet:
- fish from the northern regions will give preference to animal variants, small crustaceans, animal larvae, molluscs, worms are the basis, sometimes a large individual can drive around the water area and fry of other fish inhabitants;
- in the southern regions in warm water for a representative of cyprinids, the best option for a meal is vegetable food, roots, young shoots of aquatic plants will not leave him indifferent, lowering the water temperature will push the fish to more nutritious animal options.
Weather conditions should also be taken into account, in cold water, fish have one preference, but in warm water they are completely different.
Spawning features
Depending on the habitat and the characteristics of the water area, the growth of the bream will be different over the years, the size and weight also depend on the features of the shape. They are distinguished by two:
- semi-anadromous, a distinctive feature of which is significant movements mainly in the pre-spawning period;
- residential, in which the fish does not move significant distances at all.
It is this factor that also affects puberty, representatives of the residential form will be able to spawn as early as 3-4 years of age, but semi-anadromous ones will have to wait for this for a couple of years.
Representatives of carps of both forms go to spawning grounds only when the water is warmed up to 16-18 degrees, lower rates will delay this process. Representatives of semi-anadromous to reproduce offspring can travel up to 100 km, the longest migrations are made by residents of Lake Ladoga and individuals from the lower reaches of the Dnieper.
Spawning takes place in the most suitable places for this, they are characterized by:
- shallow depths;
- abundant vegetation.
At the same time, depending on the region, the process can take place simultaneously or in batches. Large individuals immediately enter spawning, followed by medium ones, and small representatives are the concluding ones. Previously, they stray into shoals, but the larger the fish, the fewer shoals.
Features of life
It is difficult to say how large a bream grows to, flocks in summer and winter often include both large representatives and small-sized fish.
Features of life push this representative of cyprinids to stray into groups, but the number of individuals depends on many indicators:
- in summer, ichthy inhabitants from the south walk in small groups, for a permanent place of residence they choose places with a small amount of vegetation, but the bottom topography can be both sandy and clayey, they often come out for feeding at night and in the early hours;
- northerners behave a little differently, they will not always be in quiet backwaters and slowly look for food, often representatives of cyprinids in northern water bodies go to areas with a strong current, sometimes even to the fairway.
With a decrease in air and water temperatures, individuals from almost the entire water area gather together and go to deep places for wintering, they are also called wintering pits. Here the bream has a wide variety of sizes.
Weight to size ratio
How much does a bream grow? It is not always easy to answer this question, occasionally anglers pull out representatives up to a meter long, while their mass is simply impressive. The weight of the bream along the length will help determine the table, which we bring to your attention below:
age | length | the weight |
1 | up to 15 cm | no more than 90 g |
2 | up to 20 cm | up to xnumg |
3 | up to 24 cm | up to xnumg |
4 | up to 27 cm | no more than half a kilo |
5 | up to 30 cm | up to xnumg |
6 | up to 32 cm | up to xnumg |
7 | up to 37 cm | no more than one and a half kilos |
Trophy bream weighing more than 2 kg grows for at least eight years.
After studying the data, it became clear to everyone how important it is to release small fish. Only then will we be able to observe truly trophy specimens of not only peaceful fish, but also predators in our reservoirs.
How much a bream grows up to 3 kg became clear, in order to achieve such a weight, it must live for at least a decade, while its diet must be complete.
We found out how much a bream 35 cm long weighs, knowing the ratio of the weight of the length will help the angler to establish the age of the caught specimen without problems. However, it is worth remembering that representatives of the northern region have more modest dimensions; at the age of 10 years, a specimen from Lake Onega will weigh no more than 1,2 kg.