Brazil nut – description of the nut. Health benefits and harms


Brazil nut becomes one of the most sought after foods for improving health and longevity. Not many foods can improve your sexual performance, protect you from cancer, or boost your metabolism, but Brazil nuts can!

A very useful and no less tasty exotic Brazil nut, is a source of micro- and macroelements that have a positive effect on the functioning of the human body. Eating 1 nut a day replenishes the daily intake of selenium, which in turn helps the body destroy cancer cells.

Brazil nut – description of the nut. Health benefits and harms

The history of the brazil nut

The history of the Brazilian nut dates back to the days of the Indians, who used it in folk medicine and were highly valued for its nutritional properties and pleasant taste. In their culture, the Brazilian nut was called “the divine gift of heaven”, because it fell on its own from a great height, which was inaccessible to man.

Brazil nut – description of the nut. Health benefits and harms

Since 1633, Brazil nuts began to be exported to Europe, where they aroused general interest and love for themselves. And not for nothing, because even then these nuts were known for their rich vitamin and mineral composition!

The Brazilian nut exudes mystery, hot sunny mood, the desire to taste this unknown fruit. Indeed, this product does not at all look like those nuts that we are used to eating. In truth, this is not a nut at all, but grain or seeds of a tree with the fancy name Bertoletiya.

The fruits of this tree are very similar to coconuts. However, instead of white flesh, there are long, oblong grains in a dense skin inside, which are Brazil nuts. These nuts grow in Brazil, but they are also common in Guiana, Venezuela, Bolivia and Peru.

Composition and calorie content

Brazil nuts are rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 – 41.1%, vitamin E – 37.7%, potassium – 26.4%, calcium – 16%, magnesium – 94%, phosphorus – 90.6%, iron – 13.5%, manganese – 61.2%, copper – 174.3%, selenium – 3485.5%, zinc – 33.8%

  • Caloric content per 100 grams 659 kcal
  • Protein 14.32 g
  • Fat 67.1 g
  • Carbohydrates 4.24 gr
Brazil nut – description of the nut. Health benefits and harms

The benefits of brazil nut

  • Brazil nuts are a surprisingly useful product that contains very rare and important components.
  • Selenium – participates in all metabolic processes in the body, provides antioxidant protection, strengthens the immune system.
  • Magnesium has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis and proper bile secretion. We help to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Copper – improves the renewal of bone tissue, helps the body to better absorb oxygen.
  • Phosphorus – affects the functioning of the brain, improves the condition of bone tissue.
  • Arginine is an amino acid that promotes blood clotting.
  • Vitamin B1 or thiamine is necessary for the normal course of most reactions in the body and is not available for independent synthesis.
  • Proteins – serve as a building material for cells and tissues, form immunity, affect the process of assimilation by the body of fats, minerals and vitamins.
  • Fats – perform plastic, energy and protective functions of the body.
    “Brazil nuts are a source of Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids, selenium and magnesium. The perfect combination for people with an active lifestyle.
  • The high content of these nutrients and vitamins helps to quickly remove toxins from the body, speeds up metabolism, increases endurance and tolerance to stress, and also promotes recovery from them.
  • In addition, the fiber found in nuts improves metabolism and digestion. Eating small amounts of nuts along with other healthy foods will help you feel fuller and reduce your usual serving size, which will also help you lose weight.
  • But it is important to understand that 100g contains about 700 kcal and a large amount of trace elements, so it is recommended to consume no more than 2 nuts per day.
  • Thus, the Brazilian nut increases immunity, is the prevention of respiratory diseases, improves the condition of bone tissue, improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves digestion.
Brazil nut – description of the nut. Health benefits and harms

Here’s a quick list of the benefits of selenium:

  • Selenium aids thyroid function by converting inactive T4 (thyroid hormone) into the active form of T3. Healthy thyroid function = healthy metabolism
  • The antioxidant properties of selenium improve the function of vitamins E and C, which help reduce skin aging.
  • Selenium is a powerful healthy food for men because it increases testosterone levels and improves sperm production and sperm motility.
  • Selenium is important for women as an advocate against breast cancer. Studies have shown that the more selenium in food, the lower the incidence of breast cancer.
  • Selenium strengthens the immune system to protect against bacterial and viral infections.
  • Selenium allows you to get a healthy ratio of cholesterol, helping to raise HDL levels and lower LDL levels.

Brazil nut harm

This product contains a large amount of protein, which, if consumed excessively, can put a lot of stress on the kidneys.

Brazil nuts should not be consumed by people with allergic reactions. It is also not recommended to use this nut for pregnant women and children, as it is fraught with the development of asthma and allergies.

Brazil nut – description of the nut. Health benefits and harms

When eating Brazil nuts, care must be taken to ensure that the skin of the fruit does not enter the body, as it contains the toxic substance aflatoxin, which can adversely affect the condition of the liver and the body.

If you decide to diversify your diet and include Brazil nuts in your diet, be sure to consult your doctor before using.

The use of brazil nuts in medicine

Due to its composition, the Brazil nut is very often used in folk medicine.

This product gained such popularity due to a whole list of beneficial effects on the human body:

  • walnut lowers cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • helps with bowel diseases, serves as an excellent adjuvant in treatment, since it cleanses the intestines and removes toxins;
  • high selenium content minimizes the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer;
  • helps to replenish the energy of the body, due to its high calorie content.

The use of brazil nuts in cooking

In cooking, Brazil nuts are used in baked goods, desserts, puddings, chocolate, and ice cream. Brazil nuts taste like pine nuts.

Also, oil is squeezed out of it and used for dressing sauces and salads.

What you need to know when buying Brazil nuts

Brazil nut – description of the nut. Health benefits and harms

Because Brazil nuts are mostly protein and healthy fats, they are highly prone to “rancidity”. Brazil nut fats are magic. They can be both beneficial to the body and harm if the nut is not fresh. Make sure the nut is solid. When you bite through it, you should feel an oily texture. Nuts should not smell sweet and should not taste bitter! Store them in a cool, dry place – best in the refrigerator!

How do they taste

Of course, Brazil nuts should be eaten raw. It is important to understand that roasted nuts already have a damaged fat structure and can harm your health.

Banana-strawberry smoothie with brazil nuts

  • Frozen strawberries – 150 gr
  • Banana – 1 piece
  • Vegetable milk (oat) – 300 ml
  • Brazil nut – 2 pieces

Peel the banana, cut into rings and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Chop nuts medium. Add frozen strawberries, banana, milk, nuts to a blender and beat until smooth. Garnish with fresh berries and mint leaves when serving.

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