Borage, plantain and other herbs. Check out how to prepare a home eyelid treatment!
Borage, plantain and other herbs. Check out how to prepare a home eyelid treatment!

You do not have to run to the pharmacy immediately whenever unpleasant changes on the surface of the eyelids occur. Home remedies can be effective in alleviating the symptoms. It is enough to enrich your home first-aid kit with a few useful herbs in advance.

It is reasonable to rub the place affected by barley with a ring, thanks to which the eyelid gains better blood supply, and therefore it is easier to fight the infection. In addition, the accompanying warmth reduces our sensations of irritation. Why is it worth using herbal medicine in the fight against eyelid discomfort? about it below.

Inflamed eyelid margins

  • Pour a tablespoon of borage into 3/4 cup of warm water, then cook covered for five to seven minutes from the moment of boiling. Let the borage cool for ten minutes. After straining, we can wash the eyelids with the decoction and put compresses on them.
  • Compresses with the use of chamomile, popular in phytotherapy, can be prepared by infusing a teaspoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Relief will be brought by the use of compresses dipped in the infusion several times a day.
  • On the other hand, a tablespoon of plantain pour one and a half cups of boiling water, then cook under the lid for five minutes. Let the decoction cool for ten minutes, then strain through a sieve and mix with warm water in equal proportions. The compress should be left on the eyelids several times a day, additionally covered with foil.
  • A mixture in a 1:1 ratio of cornflower with marigold, or possibly the cornflower itself, boil with a glass of water for a tablespoon of dried leaves. After a quarter of an hour from boiling, strain, apply as a compress, or wash the eyelids with the decoction several times a day.

Decoctions of the above herbs will bring relief when the eyelids are inflamed, they have an astringent and antibacterial effect. Remember to use compresses that keep you warm between flare-ups of the disease, and cool in the event of flare-ups.

Compresses for barley and chalazion

  • Boil a warm glass of water with a tablespoon of eyebright for three minutes and leave for a quarter of an hour. After this time, strain. Eyebright herb will work both as a compress for the eyelids and for washing.
  • The carefully crushed marshmallow root has a beneficial effect on the eyelids. For a glass of warm water, we use a tablespoon of this herb. Over the next eight hours, let the root swell, heat it up a bit and strain it. We use it to wash the eyelids several times a day.
  • Chop a freshly cut aloe leaf, then boil it for five minutes with a glass of water. In the aloe water obtained in this way, moisten a compress and leave it on the eyelids several times a day. Aloe vera water may cause a slight burning sensation at first, which will pass quickly.

The use of herbs in the fight against barley and chalazion will allow for faster relief of swelling, and will also help the absorption of the bump formed in the eyelid.

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