Boot Camp is a program released by Bob Harper together with the participants of the show “The Biggest Loser”. For example, the wards Bob will demonstrate how to achieve a beautiful figure even in spite of its natural resources.
Program description Bob Harper’s Boot Camp (The Biggest Loser Workout)
Boot Camp is a complex of short workouts to improve your body. Classes are based on a combination of power segments and explosive cardio intervals, which you’ll burn fat, accelerate metabolism and strengthen the muscles of the body. Along with Bob Harper, the program show the participants of the show “The Biggest Loser”. You can achieve noticeable results in just 6 weeks of training!
The complex consists of several parts:
- Warm-up (5 minutes)
- Level 1 (20 minutes)
- Level 2 (15 minutes)
- Level 3 (10 minutes)
- The final stretch (5 minutes)
An overview of all workouts Bob Harper
The disciples of Bob Harper demonstrates several modifications of exercises (from simple to complex), so you can choose the most suitable option for you. For exercises you will need dumbbells (1.5 to 3 kg), and optionally also to engage with the expander and medical ball (but not necessarily). The complex is suitable for both beginners and the more experienced student, you will easily be able to adapt the workouts at your level.
The program lasts 6 weeks, during which you will change your body and boost your physical endurance:
- 1-2 week: level 1
- Week 3-4: level 1 + level 2
- Week 5-6: level 1 + level 2 + level 3
Always start classes with a warm up and end with stretching.
The pros and cons of the program
1. The property is suitable for beginners and those who are beginning to study after a long break.
2. In this program, strength exercises are combined with aerobic exercise for maximum weight loss and correction of problem areas.
3. The program is conveniently divided into levels of difficulty. First you are going to do 20 minutes a day, then 35 and finally 40 minutes a day.
4. During training demonstrates several types of exercises: for beginners and advanced.
5. The program involves the participants of the show “The Biggest Loser” which started to lose weight with weight 100+ kg. It gives extra motivation to perform complex.
6. Despite the fact that during class and use the expander ball, you will be able to get by with just dumbbells. One of the girls shows the variant without the use of additional equipment.
1. The program offers shock. If you do not replace the exercises on the steps or choose a different exercise.
Complex Boot Camp similar to the program Bob Harper or, for example, Jillian Michaels. However, those who are new to or simply want to diversify your workouts, it will fit in the best way.
Also read: Top 10 popular youtube channels on fitness at home in Russian.