When reading history books, they always found a mention of the fact that there were always fishermen. With hands, with a horn, with a net, with a fishing rod – at all times they caught fish, and it was cooked, it was present in the diet. At first, fishing was a necessity to feed the family, but now fishing can be both an addition to the table and a hobby. Whatever occupation a person is not fond of, he always had a desire to change something and improve it with his own hands. The fishing boat has always been the best hand tool used for a good catch.
A rich catch is not an easy task, especially if this is an unfamiliar body of water or is visited for the first time. You need to know which fish in this reservoir is the hungriest, where it lives, what bait is used for, and much more in order to enjoy fishing and be with a big catch. Different gear and devices exist for this “reconnaissance”.
One of them is a boat for the delivery of bait. Fishing boats are different in structure. The first were primitive, because they were invented and made by the fishermen themselves from improvised means. Then there were nimble businessmen who put the production of boats on an industrial conveyor and make good money on it. The task of the boat is quite simple – to deliver food to the right place, pour it out there and sail back. You can also deliver lure on your own boat, but the shadow from it and the bursts of oars will disperse the fish from their homes for a long time. Whether it’s a small boat without noise will deliver complementary foods. Developments moved on and made radio-controlled boats. The price of such gear “bites”, but you can make a boat at home, spending only on nails and fishing line. But you can also make a boat from improvised means, but equip it with technologies, spare parts of which can be purchased at the store.
Reversible boat
The ship for the delivery of bait must be controlled in order to bring bait to the right place and return back. Also, the boat must pour out lure, roll over and stand back on its feet in order to sail back. The ship must do one more job, bring the fishing line with the hook into this place and get rid of it.
The first boats were made from a piece of plank, to which a fishing line with bait and a hook was tied. The current carried such a structure to the water surface, its simplicity and noiselessness attracted fish. Then a fishing line with fish was stretched to the shore, and the whole process began again. But not always the fish was in places downstream, and such boats caused a lot of inconvenience. On reservoirs where there is no current, the task was generally impossible. Vegetation along the coast also caused a lot of trouble. Lures on a fishing rod could be eaten by fish, and the fishing rod could get tangled in the grass and break off. From the shore, where the branches of the tree hang, even with a fishing rod it is impossible to cast the bait into the water.
At first, the boats were tied to a cord, and after being delivered to the place, they returned along the cord. Such reversible boats were made by hand. But with vegetation near the coast, this process became more complicated. A reversible boat was invented for the delivery of bait. This boat took food to the place and was freed from it, returned back. These boats are radio-controlled and costly in terms of money.
You can buy a boat in Ukraine in a specialized store for the sale of fishing tackle. You can order a second-hand bait boat from familiar fishermen. Can also be purchased by ordering online from OLX, or Aliekspres from abroad. This company sells Korean-made products.
How to make a boat with your own hands
You can do it yourself with some skills. They are built from different materials, but it is best to make them from wood or foam. You also need to make a device for the delivery of bait and unloading it. What fixtures are needed: boards or foam, drying oil for a primer and paint of soft colors, a plate on which bait will be installed, nails, bolts and nuts for fastening and assembly. Do not paint in blue or blue, then on the water it will be invisible to you.
There is a homemade boat for fishing – a sled. The body consists of two identical boards with rounded bottom edges. The thickness of the board is not more than 10mm width 10cm. To keep the boards afloat correctly, we fasten them in parallel with two small blocks. On the side of one of the boards we make hooks for attaching the main line for holding the sled and the line on which the hooks and flies will be attached. Sizes will depend on the intended fishing. Drawings of boats of different structure can be found on the sites of fishermen.
The next step will be the manufacture of the rogatulina, on which the hooks and flies will be held. It is made from a bar 7-10 cm long with recesses at the ends to hold the wound fishing line. The length of the fishing line can be up to 100 meters. A strip of felt is stuffed on one side of the bar, on which the flies will be hooked. You also need a carabiner for the main line. We tie the main fishing line to the sled for one mount, depending on which side the fishing will be carried out from.
Boat fittings
When building a boat, consider:
- there should be one of the leading boards, with the help of which it will be possible to control, regardless of the current;
- float made of heavy material (lead) for stability in strong currents;
- switch (reverse), for release from bait and return back
- a strong fishing line on which it rests and is directed to a place to drop the bait;
- bait (fly), to attract fish.
Keep in mind that the switch must be above the water at the same level as the fishing line, so as not to interfere with the movement of the boat. The design must be assembled very carefully; if it is distorted or improperly assembled, it will not fulfill its task. Gear also requires special attention. Choose a strong braided fishing line, the operation of the boat and its return depend on it. Choose materials and fixtures taking into account the place where fishing will be done – in a quiet pond or with current and gusts of wind. In order to reach the caught fish to the shore and pull it out, you will need a spinning rod, equipped with a strong fishing line and reliable hooks.
An important role is played by baits and bait. Keep in mind that the fish loves organic bait from natural products. Hand-crafted and flavored with the natural flavors that fish love, you’ll be able to come back from fishing with a rich catch. The flies need to be tied to the boat to lure the fish, and the scented lure will do the job. If desired, the boat can be equipped with an echo sounder and a gps navigator, as well as a digital control system.
But it’s easiest to fish with simple gear. If the river is not wide, a load is thrown with a fishing rod to secure it to the other side. A boat with bait is attached to the fishing line and brought to the water, attaching a spinning line with a hook in advance. Under the influence of the current of the river, even the slowest, the boat, attached to a tension line between the banks, will float to the middle of the river, taking the spinning line with it. The fisherman must be at some distance from the place upstream. Flies on the boat attract fish, bait with a smell whets the appetite and you can start fishing. When the water flows, the bait does not need to be poured into the water, the water will carry it along the river, and the fish will follow it.
In a reservoir without a current on a lake or reservoir, there will be a boat from the shore, the water itself takes it away, the so-called lifting force always comes from the shore. The boat is attached to the spinning rod and put on the water. On it are fixed, attracting the attention of fish flies and bait. The fishing line is unwound to a certain length, where the fish should live. You can walk along the shore in one direction and the other to determine the place of fishing. We twist the fishing line onto the spinning reel, and return the boat a little back, then let it go slowly in the opposite direction. So by boat we are looking for a suitable place where the fish will peck.
Bait for fishing
For fishing on a boat you need bait. You can make your own bait using the bulk, which includes boiled grains, odor enhancers from certain products or purchased ones. The composition of the bait includes porridge made from millet, pearl barley, oatmeal and other cereals. You can use boiled peas, pickled corn, as well as sunflower seeds and tops from it. Fried bread crumbs and bran are introduced into the mixture for density. Of the animal elements, maggots, dung heap worms, earthworms, bloodworms are used. For the smell, sunflower, anise garlic oil, as well as ground cinnamon and vanillin are added. The Mega mix biting activator is sold in the store, which is used with great success by fishermen for making bait with their own hands. It is liquid in consistency, which allows it to be added to boiled groups. Artificial flavors are also sold in specialized stores, but the price “bites”, and the fish still prefers natural bait.