Board games for children 4 years old: the best, educational, interesting, reviews
Board games have a beneficial effect on the logic and thinking of kids. Therefore, you should introduce them to such fun as early as possible. But in order for board games for children 4 years old to bring a lot of pleasure and benefit, it is necessary to select entertainment that is suitable for the age of the child. In addition, you should give preference to verified editions.
Board games that develop reaction and coordination
All kids are very curious, and are happy to absorb new knowledge. This is especially noticeable if children are passionate about the game. Therefore, interesting board games will bring a lot of benefits. After all, thanks to them, you will not only have a great time with your child, but at the same time gently and unobtrusively improve his fine motor skills, reaction speed and coordination of movements.
Board games for children 4 years old will help to develop logic and attentiveness.
On store shelves, you can find many board games suitable for toddlers 4 years old. But the following are especially popular:
- Octopus Joly. Here, the baby will need to carefully pick up the crabs so as not to disturb the octopus.
- Penguin trap. The rules of this game are very simple. You need to remove one piece of ice from the platform on which the penguin is standing. The loser is the one who drops the animal.
- Cheerful beaver. In this game, the kids will have to carefully take out the log from the dam, on which there is a cheerful beaver. There is a sensor inside the animal that makes the animal swear if the dam swings violently.
This category of games also includes publications such as “Do not rock the boat”, “Crocodile Dentist”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Pull the Carrot”. Such fun perfectly develops the child’s attentiveness and perseverance.
Kids 4 years old cannot read and write yet. But still there are many educational games for this age category. Thanks to them, children improve their logical thinking and intelligence. The following publications received the most positive reviews:
- Trucks.
- Snow White.
- Shy rabbit.
- Balancing crocodile.
- Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.
In addition, various walkers have a positive effect on the thinking of children. For kids 4 years old, games such as “Buratino” and “Owls, ow!” Are suitable.
Board games are a great way to spend time with your child. Such leisure is not only pleasant, but also very useful. Thanks to the correctly selected game, the perseverance and attention of the baby, as well as his logic and memory, develops.