- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Rod
- Level of difficulty: Medium

Bench press on the floor — technique exercises:
- Adjust the hooks to support the neck in the rack to the desired height. Lie on the floor. The head should be on the line power rack. Pinch shoulder blades together, remove the neck from the racks.
- Bring the bar down to the bottom of the chest or upper abdomen. Fretboard, wrist, and elbow have to be on one line. Continue the movement until the hands touch the floor. Pause, controlling the neck.
- After a moment’s pause powerful movement squeeze the barbell up.
bench press exercises for the arms exercises triceps exercises with a barbell
- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Rod
- Level of difficulty: Medium