
Groats contain much more nutritional value than pasta, rice or potatoes. They have a starch that is valuable for health, which in the process of decomposition in the body releases glucose – a substance needed for the work of the brain and all cells in our body. In addition, groats contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. No wonder that it has been said for a long time that “groats make a healthy person”.
The groats contain B vitamins: B1, B2, PP, B6, as well as vitamin E and folic acid. The list of minerals is also impressive: potassium (lowers blood pressure), iron (prevents anemia), magnesium (positively affects the nervous system as well as muscles and joints), as well as copper, calcium, zinc, manganese, silicon. Groats are therefore a rich source of nutrients, so they should appear on our plates as often as possible. 100 g of cooked barley groats cover a very high degree of daily carbohydrate requirements. Groats – regardless of the type, are good for health. Despite a number of common nutrients, each has its own health-promoting specialties.
Semolina for the kidneys
This tiny and tasty wheat porridge contains many vitamins, minerals and fibre. However, it is semolina among other groats that has the most iodine. In addition, it is easily digestible and has a good effect on the digestive system, which is why it is so eagerly eaten by children. It is worth eating it in diseases of the bile ducts, liver, pancreas and inflammation of the digestive tract. It is also recommended for diseases related to the kidneys and urinary tract. It tastes best when cooked thickly (unglued). You can make soups, puddings, creams from it.
Barley porridge for digestion
This groats definitely reigns in Polish cuisine. Barley groats contain PP vitamins, which effectively regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. In addition, it dilates blood vessels and improves the appearance of the skin. People with skin problems – mainly acne – should eat this porridge more often. In addition, it has an unusually large amount of fiber compared to other groats, which regulates the digestive system, prevents constipation, flatulence and abdominal pain associated with improper digestion.
Buckwheat to lower blood pressure
Buckwheat is widely recognized as one of the healthiest groats. It contains a lot of healthy protein – rich in tryptophan and lysine, which our body is unable to produce itself. In addition, buckwheat contains a lot of minerals, including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and does not acidify the body at all. The starch contained in it absorbs very little water, and then slowly releases it. This is why the porridge is very delicate after cooking. Buckwheat groats can be successfully recommended to people who have problems with hypertension and suffer from cardiovascular ailments. In addition, it is very well tolerated by allergy sufferers because it does not contain gluten, it also positively affects the work of the intestines.
Couscous for energy
Couscous is very easy and quick to prepare. After grinding and cleaning, the beans are steamed. It is enough to pour boiling water over them and let them stand for 10 minutes. Its advantage is easy to digest and a feeling of satiety. It is rich in protein and carbohydrates. However, there is no fiber in the composition. It also has less vitamins and minerals. It is especially recommended for children, the elderly and pregnant women. Couscous tastes sensational cold and warm, and as an ingredient for salads. The taste of couscous is similar to walnuts, therefore it is suitable for spicy and sweet dishes.
Corn porridge to strengthen the heart
In Latin American countries, corn grits are very often prepared in the form of pancakes, eaten like bread, i.e. with various additions. What distinguishes her? It has a lot of this “good” fat for the body. It has vitamin E and protein, which is not full of nutritional value, but does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, pediatricians recommend giving infants corn grits instead of wheat grits. People suffering from hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis and heart disease should immediately include this groat in their diet.
Millet for allergies
Millet groats in terms of nutritional value, it equals buckwheat groats and is also the oldest groats known in Poland. It has a lot of protein but little starch. It is characterized by the highest content of B vitamins – B1, B2, B6 as well as copper and iron. It has a very good effect on the digestive system – it is easily digestible and does not cause any allergic reactions because it does not contain gluten. It is especially recommended for people following a gluten-free diet.