Many women are ready to do anything to make their children feel good. Others use the child to draw attention to themselves, and do very strange experiments on the little man.
2017 can be safely called the year when many parents, as they say, went crazy. Every day, there are new messages: one mother is looking for a tattoo parlor for a five-year-old son, another considers her daughter to be her property and uploads a photo of a one-year-old baby with piercings. Woman’s Day has collected in one rating all the weird mothers who believe that they can do whatever they want with their children.
In April of this year, the public was stirred up by the strange post of one mom. She asked for advice on a gift for her son. More precisely, the woman has already decided on the surprise itself – “a cute tattoo on the theme of the relationship between mother and son.” She only asked to recommend a salon to her, in which they would be able to translate her idea into reality. Users of Reddit, where the post was posted, were surprised: after all, from the age of 16, a teenager can easily come to the salon with his parents, and they will not refuse him. It was speculated that the birthday boy is 13-14 years old. In this case, it’s really better to wait with a tattoo. However, the answer shocked everyone: the boy was only five at that time, and the tattoo was supposed to be a gift for his sixth birthday. Users tried to reason with the mother: at this age, the body is still developing, and it is not known how the child will react to pain. Many babies and an injection from a doctor are not able to endure without tears. Some have suggested a compromise: “translator”, which is applied quickly and will not hurt the child. Whether my mother listened to reasonable advice is unknown.
But single mother Amy Lin has been using temporary tattoos for her daughter for a long time. She also dyes her hair fantastic colors and allows her to do makeup. In her social networks, my mother willingly exposes photographs of the girl, under which many critics always gather. And many people think that using a child as a doll is unacceptable. It can be seen that the girl is simply copying her informal mother: Amy Lin herself wears pink hair and tattoos all over her body. But the girl does not see this as a particular problem: “I just let Bella be me. She is not afraid of criticism, she is brave. I want to give her freedom of expression. Then she will not have to waste the time of her youth to understand what she really is. If she learns to express herself through her appearance, she will learn to talk about what is important to her. Freedom of speech, do you understand? She will not hesitate to talk about her feelings and aspirations. ” Not everyone shares this innovative approach to parenting, but there are those who support Ann.
The problem “to be or not to be?” in the beauty world has grown into “to paint or not to paint?” This question is especially acute when it comes to young children. Fashionable beauty bloggers on Instagram and YouTube release detailed videos on how to do this or that makeup. Here are just babies on their heels, who manage with powders and lipsticks no worse than professional make-up artists. For example, Charlie Rose. This little one is only five years old, but she already uses highlighters, foundation and glitter. Not all adults use such means. Unsurprisingly, some showed outright discontent. First of all, the parents of the girl, who allow Charlie Rose to do this. However, they tried to reassure the audience: the girl is engaged in cosmetics and video only as a hobby, at normal times she looks like an ordinary child.
What to take from young mothers who themselves recently were children and have not yet had time to grow up. But when an exemplary wife and mother of six children begins to mock a child, the public is in full swing. So it happened with Enedina Vance, who posted a picture of her one-year-old daughter. And the photo would really only evoke tenderness, if not for one tiny detail – the piercing flaunted on the baby’s face. “I am a mother, she is my daughter, so I am free to do whatever I want with her! I will decide for her until she turns 18, because I gave birth to her, she belongs to me, ”Enedin signed the card. Of course, a flurry of negative comments immediately poured on my mother. Someone doubted her mental health, many promised to turn to custody and deprive the negligent mother of parental rights. However, it didn’t come to the realization of threats. After Enedina Vance soon explained that the photo is a montage, and the text is a pure provocation. The woman wanted to draw attention to the problem of the physical integrity of children. Parents should not decide for their baby whether he can get a tattoo, pierce his ears, or circumcise. What a pity that not all mothers understand this. And they continue to use their children in order to please themselves, not caring in any way about the well-being and desire of the child.
Andrea Dalzell is happy to share pictures of her transformation
No, now we will not talk about how mothers mock girls for the sake of winning beauty contests. Nobody injects Botox anymore, although crazy outfits and make-up still have a place to be. However, things are no better when the mother pays increased attention to her appearance and for the sake of her beauty is ready to starve the children. This is what the Englishwoman Andrea Dalzell did. The woman was so afraid of old age that she began to put off for plastic surgery almost 15 years ago. And it seems like nothing bad. But Andrea herself did not work, and she collected money for operations from benefits for four children. Since plastic is an expensive pleasure, all this time the family lived in conditions of severe economy. They ate once a day so that every extra pound would be deposited in the treasured piggy bank. Andrea has almost reached her goal, she has already had a cheek lift, eyebrow lift, mammoplasty. The woman is not going to stop, but it will be more difficult for her to save: she now receives benefits only for one child. Although, perhaps, she will not see this money either. The Taxpayers’ Alliance, which checks social payments, was furious when it learned what the money was being spent on. And for a new dream, Andrea will have to collect for a very long time.