Back pain exercises – pain between the shoulder blades, pain in pregnancy

Nowadays, more and more people, especially office workers, complain of back pain. It can be said that this is a kind of civilization disease – sadly, it also affects children. The best way to avoid back pain is to keep a healthy, upright posture and exercise regularly. It is also good to get properly matched chairs for working at the desk and follow the health and safety rules – in this case, it is primarily about following the rules of proper arrangement of individual devices so that their use is as efficient as possible and beneficial for the spine. The sitting position is not natural for humans, but it is often the place where most of the day is spent, so knowing the right exercises for back pain will certainly help you stay fit.

Exercises for back pain between the shoulder blades

One of the exercises that can help with back pain is yoga. It includes, among others, the following exercises, ideal for back pain between the shoulder blades:

1. Cat and cow pose – increases the flexibility of the back and spine:

  1. you should support yourself in front of you, putting your knees hip-width apart, hands on the floor under the shoulders; keep your back straight and your head in a neutral position;
  2. position your head so that you look straight ahead while inhaling the air, raise your chin and tilt your head slightly, then lower your stomach towards the floor and raise your tailbone while bending your back into a downward arch;
  3. take 3 deep breaths in and out, while pulling your stomach towards your spine and lifting your back towards the ceiling, lower your chin to your chest and push your arms out to create a slightly rounded back
  4. take 3 deep breaths in and out in the starting position – the exercise should be performed in a series of 10 repetitions.

2. Pelvic tilt – this exercise, due to its effectiveness, can be compared to a back massage:

  1. lie on your back with a pillow under your head, place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees – the curve of the spine should be slightly raised and the upper body relaxed,
  2. gently stretch your lower back towards the ground while tensing your abdominal muscles,
  3. tilt the pelvis towards the heels so that you can feel a slight arch in the lower back, while the buttocks should be kept on the floor to feel the contraction of the back muscles,
  4. return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

3. Pulling the knees up against the chest – this exercise works well for the entire back area, and if you do it regularly, it will help to increase the range of motion in the lower part of the back, positively influencing its flexibility:

  1. lie on your back, flat on the floor, with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart,
  2. grab your hands under your right knee and gently pull them towards your chest,
  3. tense the torso while pressing the spine to the floor for a few seconds,
  4. slowly put one leg to the ground and repeat the steps with the other leg,
  5. this exercise, like the previous one, should be performed in a series of 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise for back pain in pregnancy

Many women, especially those who wear high-heeled shoes, complain of back pain. This condition worsens when waiting for a baby, so it is worth learning about effective exercises for back pain in pregnancy. Specialists recommend cardio exercises to pregnant women, but emphasize that they should be moderately intense – exercise in a properly running pregnancy can bring many positive effects, but it is important to always consult it with your doctor. Below are some light but effective exercises recommended by specialists as suitable for pregnant women.

1. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks:

  1. you should kneel and lean your arms on the floor with straightened elbows, keeping your spine straight,
  2. raise the right hand and left leg at once in such a way that they form a straight line with the spine,
  3. hold the position for a while, and then lower the limbs,
  4. repeat the exercise 8-10 times, then change limbs and perform the same number of repetitions.

2. Exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles, buttocks, back and thighs:

  1. you should lean against the wall with your legs slightly apart, which should be 40-60 cm from the wall,
  2. bend your knees so that they form a right angle,
  3. hold the position for a while, then slowly straighten your legs back to the previous position,
  4. repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise for the spine is an effective method of dealing with pain in this part of the body, but regularity is essential to achieve the desired results. Depending on your condition, you can set their frequency for 2 to 6 days a week, the most important thing is to develop a habit – it is better to start with shorter and less frequent workouts, then increase the number of series and days devoted to exercise.

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