Baby and the pot

Cleanliness: a smooth acquisition

For the child, getting clean, it happens above all… in the head! No need to sit on the potty until he controls his sphincters. In fact, the so-called “anal” psychological stage appears between 18 months and 2 years old, when the brain will control said muscles. The child enjoys urinating and defecating. Before this age, with a few rare exceptions, no cleanliness on the horizon. Of course, some parents, delighted to see Baby doing in his potty at one year old, will readily classify their toddler in the “precocious children” category. But most often, it’s just luck: having put it on the pot at the right time, just after the meal for example. However, do not repeat the maneuver every day under the pretext of occasional success. When it comes to peeing, your child should not function automatically. By wanting to run too much, one would risk slowing down one’s acquisition of cleanliness.

How to help your child to tame the potty?

For two years, your child has been wearing diapers. He cannot therefore assimilate overnight that he has to go on the potty. A single watchword: explain quietly, but clearly. Tell your little one that the potty is like the toilets of adults, that we pour our “poo” in the toilets of the whole family. Don’t be afraid to give in the natural way: it’s the best way to speak correctly.

Excessive joys, cleanliness diplomas or rewards for a wee in the pot are also to be avoided. THEagain, play the natural card. Going to the potty means growing up and we have never awarded a medal for that. Finally, make a point of modesty. Even at a young age, your child deserves a little privacy and respect. The pee sessions in front of relatives, family or neighbors, supporting photo for the souvenir album are to be avoided. Gradually, your child will be very proud to imitate the big ones. You might as well put your potty in the toilet, or at least in the bathroom. And push the door a little, so that he remains calm … The more he will be in a harmonious relationship with his parents, the more the child will want to grow up and be clean to please them. On average, children acquire cleanliness around 28-30 months. But it still takes some time to acquire night cleanliness. The reflex to get up to go to the bathroom does not exist not before 3 or 4 years: this is the average age of acquisition of night cleanliness.

Facilitate the acquisition of cleanliness: our tips

For the comfort of your child, choose a potty stable, adapted to his body size, with spray protector for little boys. Beware of “all-option” models, funny but too big and too heavy for Baby himself to be able to pour “the contents” into the toilets of older children, which also helps them to grow. You can also try on our creations the seat reducer. It is a small bezel, adapted to the size of children, to be fixed on the toilet seat.

To avoid small accidents at night, cover the bed with two fitted sheets, separated by a waterproof mattress protector. In case of leaks, remove the wet sheet, there is a very dry one underneath. Convenient to get your child back to bed in no time! If your toddler stains his clothes, immediately pour soda water and leave for half an hour. Carbon dioxide (the bubbles!) Dissolves the dirt almost every time.

The Brazelton method

The famous American pediatrician advises to first choose a quiet moment: you install your child on the potty and you sit next to him, on the toilet to show him that it is natural. Then read him a story, but don’t make him sit still. Run this “workout” for a good week explaining that he will soon be old enough to go on his own.

Ready for the pot: the signs that never disappoint

Children who speak early, feeling the urge to come, express it quite simply: “Mom, pee!”. No clearer message! Your little one’s facial expressions can also help. When the time comes, you will know how to decode your toddler’s faces when he feels the urge. Some children seem concentrated, others pretend to push … Without forgetting the classic attitudes and postures: restlessness when the pee arrives, immobility and back arching at the time of poo … So many signs that do not deceive.

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