Ayurveda and yeast infections

A certain amount of fungi lives in the body of each person, but if the immune system loses control over their growth, then diseases occur. The main symptoms of a Candida yeast infection are lack of energy, frequent headaches, vaginal discharge, and skin rashes. Consider the view of Ayurveda on the removal of candidiasis from the body. As a rule, the growth of candida begins in the gastrointestinal tract, causing various symptoms, which manifest differently in everyone, depending on the constitution. From the point of view of Ayurveda, a fungal infection of Candida is ama – toxins produced as a result of improper functioning of the metabolism. Here are the main factors that stimulate the growth of fungi: – Excess sugar intake

– Overuse of medications

– Antibiotics

– Weakened immune system, frequent colds

– Stress, anxiety, fear

– Toxic environment Like any Ayurvedic anti-parasite therapy, it includes: 1. (digestive fire) with the help of natural herbs in accordance with the constitution and in combination with the diet. 2. (immunity) through herbal medicine, with the support of physical activity according to the constitution, and lifestyle changes. 3. (in this case, candida). Special antifungal and antiparasitic herbs + diet. Trying to eliminate a fungal infection with only a strict diet and antifungal medications will most likely not lead to a sustainable result. For a lasting effect, it is necessary to act on the cause, which is the weakness of the digestive and immune systems. Thus, in candidiasis, Ayurveda seeks to restore immunity and the power of the digestive fire – Agni.

Nutrition for yeast infections is prescribed by an Ayurvedic doctor individually for each person, depending on the constitution. However, one can single out the main range of foods to be excluded: heavy, mucus-forming foods. Peanuts, milk, bread, sugar, fatty and refined foods, and foods containing yeast. The diet should be based on whole foods.

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