Australian woman paints color pictures on coffee

A new word in latte art, the skill of creating patterns on the surface of coffee, said 25-year-old Emily Kumbis from Queensland (Australia). Her paintings are in color! Such a rainbow and bright coffee will really invigorate!

Watching numerous videos on social networks, Emily decided to try to create such beauty herself. But she is bored with working in one color, so she uses food coloring, with which she creates a variety of pictures on milk coffee.

Since then, her “Rainbow Coffees” have attracted over 15 people on Instagram, her photos have received hundreds of likes and videos that have been viewed thousands of times.

The rainbow effect is created with drops of blue, pink and yellow food coloring added to milk and mixed together to create secondary colors. Emily then pours out intricate designs like swans and flowers, always in different color combinations.


“You don’t get the same drawing twice, everything looks different. Even one and the same pattern will always have different color combinations, ”- said Emily about her work.

The woman’s talent was noticed not only by Internet users, but also by experts, so now she can boast of the first place in the latte art championship organized by the Australian Coffee Association.

The cost of a cup of this coffee is six dollars, which is just a dollar more than the price of a regular drink.

Recall that earlier we told you which coffee drinks are preferred by different signs of the zodiac, as well as how to learn to understand coffee drinks in just 1 minute.





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