Arthritis interest sites and support groups
To learn more about thearthritis, Passeportsanté.net offers a selection of associations and government sites dealing with the subject of arthritis. You will be able to find there Additional Information and contact communities or support groups allowing you to learn more about the disease.
Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance
An organization made up of volunteers who themselves suffer from arthritis, who advocate for the interests of people with arthritis. Political actions that aim, among other things, to improve access to healthcare and medicines.
The Arthritis Society
General public portal whose goal is to provide access to a great deal of information on treatments for different types of arthritis, pain management, adapted exercises *, services by province, etc.
Toll-free telephone service in Canada: 1-800-321-1433
* Adapted exercises:
Quebec Chronic Pain Association
An organization that works to break the isolation of people with chronic pain and improve their well-being.
Quebec government’s Health Guide
To learn more about drugs: how to take them, what are the contraindications and possible interactions, etc.
A patient association that provides support and information to people with rheumatoid arthritis or other chronic inflammatory rheumatism.
French Anti-Rheumatic Association
Rheumatism in 100 questions
This site was developed by the medical and paramedical team of the osteo-articular pole of the Cochin hospital (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris). It contains very practical information.
United States
Arthritis Foundation
This American foundation in Atlanta offers several resources and services. A source that contains recent articles on pregnancy in women with arthritis (search site). In English only.
Bone and Joint Decade (2000-2010)
An initiative born in January 2000 within the United Nations to encourage research on the prevention and treatment of arthritis, promote accessibility to care and better understand the mechanisms of the disease. To keep up to date with the latest news.