Aronia, chokeberry: planting, leaving
Gardeners call this culture chokeberry, chokeberry is its botanical name. The healing properties of chokeberry are highly valued by traditional medicine. They are successfully used as an adjuvant in the treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases.
Chokeberry – description and characteristics of culture
The bushes of the plant grow very sprawling, their diameter in adulthood can reach 2,5 m, and the height is from 1,5 to 3 m.The root system is located at a depth of up to 60 cm from the surface.
Black chokeberry naturally grows in North America, on the banks of small rivers
The leaves on the chokeberry bushes are arranged alternately and have an obovate shape. With the onset of autumn, the bright green color of the leaves becomes orange-red – this gives the shrub a special decorative effect.
Chokeberry is an erroneous name for the plant. Chokeberry is similar to rowan only in appearance and tart taste of berries. Due to its endurance and unpretentiousness, the culture is widespread throughout Russia.
The flowers of the plant are bisexual, so the culture does not need pollinators. The berries are round in shape, as they ripen, they turn black. Due to its medicinal properties, it is grown on an industrial scale.
The specifics of planting and caring for chokeberry
When choosing a planting site for chokeberry, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the plant does not bear fruit in shaded areas. Growing in the shade is only possible for decorative purposes. The culture grows well on soils with neutral acidity.
Planting is recommended in autumn or early spring. Before planting seedlings, you need to shorten the roots to about 25 cm and cut the trunk to 5-6 buds. After 8 hours of exposure in water with the “Kornevin” preparation, the seedling is planted in a previously prepared hole, after which it is covered with earth mixed with organic or mineral fertilizers.
Caring for a crop is no different from caring for other fruit and berry crops. The list of works includes fertilizing, loosening, weeding and pruning. It is required to feed the shrub 2-3 times during the garden season. Pruning is done in early spring to prevent thickening of the bush. This removes all old and weak shoots.
For medicinal purposes, chokeberry fruits are usually frozen or dried. But even after heat treatment, they retain their healing power and help people maintain their health. By planting this unpretentious, but at the same time, unique culture on the site, you will provide yourself with a source of vitamins and valuable microelements for the whole year.