Apple tree variety Moscow necklace
What does an apple tree “Moscow necklace” look like?
Description of the apple variety “Moscow necklace”
The main advantages of the variety are early maturity and high yield rates. Already in the first year after planting the apple trees give a harvest, you can collect 1-6 apples. The peak yield occurs at 4-5 years.
If you carefully look after the apple trees, apply organic fertilizers, then you can collect up to 20 kg of fruits.
Apples ripen in early September, it is not for nothing that the variety is considered winter. The fruits do not spoil for more than 3 months. If stored in the refrigerator, they will remain fresh until March.
Grade Advantages:
- high frost resistance, trees do not die in frosts down to -42˚С;
- suitable for growing in Siberia and other regions with a harsh climate;
- good resistance to scab and other diseases;
- high survival rate of seedlings;
- does not need treatments from pests, so the harvest is environmentally friendly.
The disadvantages of the variety include the possibility of overloading the crop, which causes the stems to break. To prevent this, break off the excess ovary. Maintain a columnar crown, be sure to remove side shoots.
Plant the seedlings at a distance of 60 cm from each other, leave a space of 1,5 m between the rows.
When growing the Moscow Necklace variety, provide the trees with favorable living conditions. Apple trees prefer fertile, drained areas. They love enough sunlight. In the first year after planting, the vaccination site must be closed. Be sure to tie young seedlings to a support.
The variety “Moscow necklace” is profitable to grow in the garden because of the compact size of the crown. To get consistent yields, renew your garden every 10 years.