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Hot weather temporarily left the central part of the country, but will soon return with renewed vigor. The only escape from the heat in a stuffy office or apartment is an air conditioner. However, you need to use it with caution: under the cold air, you can easily chill your neck or back.
Many factors can provoke pain – from an uncomfortable sleeping position to an excessive load on the spine. The summer season is especially fraught in this sense: work in the country, air conditioning and active entertainment often become the culprits of the fact that the next day the neck does not turn, and the back does not unbend.
This ailment appears due to the displacement of the intervertebral discs with too much or uneven load on the spine. There is a pinching of the nerve roots, as a result – painful sensations that appear with any awkward movement. Special ointments and gels relieve pain, but sooner or later it comes back, so you need to fight first of all with the cause of its occurrence.
For back pain, doctors most often diagnose osteochondrosis, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed as treatment. They do an excellent job with pain due to a combination of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, but they negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, often causing exacerbation of diseases. It turns out the principle “we treat one thing, we cripple the other”: by eliminating some problems, NSAIDs provoke the emergence of new ones.
There is a way out of this vicious circle: vitamins of group B (B1 and B6) contribute to the restoration of nerve fibers and have an analgesic effect. These components will help reduce the duration of treatment and the dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
A balanced composition of vitamins can be found in the preparation
Of course, pain is easier to prevent than to cure. The primary task is to always monitor your posture, regularly do a little warm-up: turns, bends and squats. Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the neck and back are ideal. In order for the spine to rest while sleeping, it is best to sleep on its side. It is also important and correct to carry weights – the load must be distributed evenly on both hands and in no case make sudden movements. These simple rules do not require much effort, but will provide reliable prevention of osteochondrosis and allow you to enjoy freedom of movement.