Anxiety: how a change in mindset can improve your life
It is possible that our environment influences that each time we suffer more episodes of anxiety
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If you look around you, it is likely that, without your knowing it, there is someone who suffers anxiety. Although the number of anxious people grows exponentially due to the stressful and changing environment in which we live (one in three people suffer or will suffer from anxiety at least once in their life), there are people who have a greater predisposition than others. And it is also more normal to suffer episodes of this sickness if it has already been suffered before. This disorder, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), includes panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and phobias, and one of the main reasons why anxiety tends to appear more in some people than in others has a name: trait anxiety. It is a personality characteristic that has a genetic part and another part learned from experience.
People with higher trait anxietyAs Gio Zararri, a computer engineer by profession, points out, prompted to write “The end of anxiety” after living several years with this disorder, “they perceive situations as threatening or dangerous reacting with anxiety, while those who maintain low levels do not feel that alarm nor do they react with this emotion to similar situations ». However, our environment has a lot to do with favoring this disease: «It is possible that our environment favors or has favored that more and less episodes of anxiety are suffered. The important thing is to identify it and modify those patterns that make our anxious character prevail or continue to increase. ‘
The worries of your mind
Michel de Montaigne says that his life has been “full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened,” and surely right now those days when you have put yourself in a possible situation that you were going have come to mind to live and finally it did not happen. What do you do with those bad times that you have given your head and those moments of tension that you have felt believing that something bad was going to happen to you? «Understand and accept anxiety understanding that your life is not in danger will eliminate your hypochondria. When I accepted that I had anxiety, I discovered that the symptoms were directly proportional to my worries focused on them. The more I focused on what the symptoms made me feel, the more they increased. As a result, I considered a change in mentality ”, says Gio Zararri from the experience.
For Gio Zararri, pseudonym of Sergio González de Zárate Pérez de Arrilucea, “the symptoms are directly proportional to the concerns they feel” and that is why he opted for a mentality change. «If anxiety was not going to kill me, nor was it going to drive me crazy, and it was difficult for me to fall to the ground because of dizziness, why give it so much value? Why condition my life? What was the use of focusing on symptoms that wouldn’t kill me? When the anxiety, associated these sensations to different situations that could cause it, without considering its existence as something worrying, “he says.
Symptoms of the disorder
Anxiety can present itself through different symptoms:
Physicists: Tachycardia, palpitations, sweating, nausea, vomiting … If the neurophysiological activation is very high, sleep disorders, eating disorders and sexual response may appear.
Psychological: Restlessness, stress, feeling of threat or danger, desire to flee or attack, misgivings, suspicions, fear of death, madness or suicide.
Behavior: Blockages, alertness and hypervigilance, difficulty staying still … These symptoms are accompanied by changes in expressiveness and body language such as closed postures, stiffness, tension in the jaws …
Intellectual or cognitive: Difficulties with attention, concentration and memory, increased confusion.
Social: Irritability, self-absorption, being blank, difficulties expressing their own opinions or asserting their own rights, excessive fear of possible conflicts …
What Differences Trait Anxiety From State Anxiety
If the trait anxiety is given by genetics and experience, what is the state anxiety? «It would be that way of reacting anxiously in a transitory way in terms of duration and intensity. It can happen in a specific way but also stay in time. They are usually characterized by being isolated moments in our life, “explains the writer of” The End of Anxiety. ” In both cases, the treatment is very similar: to overcome anxiety disorders, professionals can provide anxiolytic remedies or suggest psychological therapies.