Antibiotic rash – is it an allergy symptom?

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Is an antibiotic rash a symptom of an allergy to any ingredient? Why did the rash appear after antibiotic administration? Can there be any breathing problems? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

Is an antibiotic rash a symptom of an allergy?

Good day. My name is Tomasz, I am 41 years old. I have been serious for a long time problems with immunitywhich is probably due to too long use of antibiotics. At my last medical visit, I was prescribed a new antibiotic and developed a rash after taking several doses. This is the first time in my life that I encounter such a reaction of the body to a medicine. My skin is full red spots. My wife says I look like I have measles. Changes in the skin they are extensive, most of them are on the arms and chest. There is a swelling around my lips that I don’t want to touch with my finger so as not to make it worse.

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I am asking for help and possible directions on how to treat this rash? Why did I get it now rashes after antibiotics? I have been using this type of medication for many years, and although they work differently on me, I have never had any allergies. Worse, I have diarrhea and a fever. There is no question of leaving the house at all, because I must have constant access to a toilet. My muscles and joints hurt. I try to deal with my daily activities but can’t concentrate on anything. I am afraid that this allergy will not spread to other parts of the body, e.g. the throat and tongue. I’m afraid I might have a breathing problem. Thank you for your response. Best regards, Tomasz from Puławy.

The doctor explains the possible causes of the appearance of the rash

Dear sir, you should write down why you are using an antibiotic and what specific drug it is. This is of great importance in further differentiation. The mentioned symptoms and so maculopapular rash, swelling and diarrhea may indicate an allergic reaction. On the other hand, the differentiation should also include infectious mononucleosis. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as severe sore throat, enlarged cervical lymph nodes, fever and rhinitis.

Infectious mononucleosis is easily confused with angina. In the case of bacterial angina, antibiotics are used in the treatment, including amoxicillin. If this antibiotic is given to a patient with mononucleosis, most cases will develop a red, diffuse rash.

I believe you should see your GP as soon as possible, especially if your lips are swollen. After the examination, the doctor will recommend appropriate treatment. In the case of allergies, antihistamines or steroids are used if there is shortness of breath and severe swelling. If the swelling and shortness of breath continue to worsen despite the treatment, you will have to go to the hospital urgently. In infectious mononucleosis, treatment is only symptomatic. Unfortunately, the disease itself can last up to 2-3 months.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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