We all know that the world around us is filled with various microorganisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is probably why most of our compatriots simply cannot rationally treat microbes. Some are afraid of bacteria, others do not believe in their existence at all … Nevertheless, according to statistics, people often do not think of germs as a real threat to health. And this threat really exists, and it is very simple to protect yourself from harmful microbes – wash your hands often enough.
Hand washing is clearly one of the most important hygiene issues. Many of us do not wash our hands thoroughly, but rather pay tribute to a habit that our parents instilled in us in childhood. Using a shared towel, which may not change for one or several days, a sink or faucet, also carries all kinds of microorganisms, when, by washing your hands, covering the water or touching the edge of the sink, you can easily get your hands dirty again. Nevertheless, according to statistics, approximately 80% of infectious diseases are spread through the hands, which means that their rehabilitation is important not only for our psychological peace, but especially for health.
But, water and soap are not always available to us. What to do if you use, for example, a shared phone in the office or stand in line at a cafe? If in public transport you hold onto a handrail, but in a supermarket you take a trolley, the handle of which has been used by thousands of hands in a day? After all these manipulations, thousands of pathogenic microbes settle on our palms, which can enter the body through the contact of hands with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes. In most cases, when a person simply has to wash their hands, soap and water may not be available. In such situations, it is worth paying attention to convenient and compact gels for quick hand sanitation, which are very popular abroad, and are still a relative novelty for our country. They are very easy to use and effective in fighting bacteria and viruses. These gels do not need to be rinsed off or wiped off with a tissue, making it easy to maintain hand hygiene in all situations.
The effectiveness of one of these gels – Sanitelle® – has been confirmed by numerous studies carried out in leading Russian research institutes and clinics, as well as laboratories in Europe.
The main component of the gel is ethyl alcohol, which is by far the fastest, most effective and safe antiseptic. In just 15 seconds after being applied to the hands, it neutralizes disease-causing microbes, destroying 99,99% of the most common bacteria and viruses. Contrary to popular belief about the dangers of alcohol on the skin, American scientists have proven that in most cases it has a much less negative effect on the skin of the hands than frequent washing with soap and water – in addition, the Aloe Vera extract included in the gel softens and moisturizes the skin, and vitamin E has anti-inflammatory effects. It is thanks to these additives in the composition of the gel that we can say for sure that the negative effects of the antibacterial gel on the skin of the hands are minimized.