Anorexia is a serious eating disorder in which a girl’s desire to lose weight takes a pathological form. Like other nervous diseases, anorexia needs to be treated not only with a nutritionist, but also with a psychologist.
Anorexia: symptoms and treatment
Most of all, girls are at risk of getting anorexia between the ages of twelve and twenty-four. During this period, the fair sex is especially susceptible to the influence of society. They easily accept the so-called beauty standards, which are practically impossible to meet without compromising overall well-being.
Sometimes women who suffer from low self-esteem come to anorexia at the thought of their own unattractiveness due to being overweight. However, if in most cases girls get satisfaction upon reaching certain parameters of the figure, anorexic women do not have an understanding of the line when slenderness turns into painful thinness.
At a certain stage, the desire to lose weight can become manic in nature. A girl with anorexia begins to completely refuse to eat and, despite her astonishingly low weight and a complete lack of body fat, continues to consider herself fat.
At the same time, a woman considers food and her appetite to be the reason for “excess” weight. Therefore, the girl fights with them
If you do not come to the rescue in time, a woman can cause irreparable harm to her physical and mental health. Over time, all processes in the female body slow down or even stop, the functions of internal organs are disrupted, and the girl loses touch with reality.
There are certain signs by which you can find out that a girl is sick with anorexia. The very first of these is the patient’s denial of the problem. The woman’s brain loses the ability to adequately assess the situation and objectively relate to the parameters of her own figure. The girl does not think that something is going wrong. She does not want to stop and is confident that for complete happiness she needs to lose a little more weight, and then more and more.
This is due to the fact that the patient sincerely considers herself fat and does not understand that her forms have long lost their femininity, and the weight and volume are already beyond health. Looking in the mirror, the girl sees non-existent body fat, some extra folds and annoying pounds.
Sometimes everything goes so far that neither weighing, nor measuring waist and hips, nor trying on clothes of the smallest size can convince her of the opposite. In such cases, more serious help from professionals is needed.
All topics that an anorexia patient can support are reduced to food, cooking. Moreover, the refusal from breakfast, lunch and dinner, full or partial, continues. Conversations about food, cooking and dieting are the only times a girl can be revived. The rest of the time, depression rolls over her, accompanied by a panic fear of getting better. A woman’s behavior can change completely, and her personality becomes almost unrecognizable.
To successfully recover from anorexia, the patient must come to the decision to return to a normal lifestyle. Sometimes this requires more than one consultation of a psychologist. The specialist will help the patient identify the underlying causes that led her to anorexia and gain self-confidence. A woman should realize the value of life in general and her body in particular.
The main task in the treatment of anorexia is to teach the patient the basics of proper, healthy nutrition.
The nutritionist must convey to the girl what nutrients should be in the daily diet, and argue the need for a comprehensive, varied menu.
For some time, a girl who is on her way to healing from anorexia should be under the supervision of doctors. It is necessary to undergo a full medical examination to assess the damage that the disease has caused to the body, and, if necessary, receive medical treatment.
With the right approach, anorexia can be completely cured. The weight returns to normal, the body is restored, and the girl accepts the fact of her uniqueness and understands the futility of trying to fit all the fair sex to a certain standard, especially if it is so incompatible with a healthy body.
As it was written above, adolescents and young girls are more susceptible to anorexia. To protect your daughter from this disease, you need to lay in her the principles of healthy eating from childhood. Knowing how to properly compose a daily menu can save her from eating disorders, including from a manic desire to lose weight.
Train your children to exercise regularly. Exercise, fitness, outdoor activities, swimming – all these hobbies from childhood teach a person to feel cheerful, appreciate their health and live in harmony with their own body.
You should also make sure that your daughter accepts herself for who she is, and does not seek to be like someone else. Help her to reveal her natural beauty, take proper care of herself and emphasize the dignity of her figure. After all, anorexia can arise from despair and an irresistible desire to be beautiful and fashionable, coupled with ignorance of how to do it correctly.
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